
Class Changelog

Custom Classes for Krona

Azure Spellthief
Beast Shaman
Black Blood Swordsman
Chaos Knight
Wild Mage

Alterations to Pathfinder Classes

Bomb - Changed the damage to d8 and changed the amount per day from level + int mod to level + 10, gives lower level alchemists a lot more bombs to work with.
Mutagen - Changed the duration from 10 minutes per level to a static 1 hour but allow the alchemist to have 1 additional mutagen every 5 levels after first, persistent mutagen was changed to 10 minutes per alchemist level instead of 1 hour per alchemist level.
Meta-Extract - Alchemists can now use metamagic feats for their extracts.
Metamagic Bottles - Outside of class additions, there will also be metamagic bottles which will be an equivalent to metamagic rods available to purchase for Alchemists.

Fast Movement - Added in an additional 10 ft gained at 11th level
Rage - Changed the mechanic of the HP gained from the bonus constitution, this HP is removed first (as temporary HP would) and therefore the barbarian will not lose it upon ending its rage.
Blood in the Water - Additional ability, credit to Shawn

Bard Performance - Changed the rounds to use per day from 4 + Charisma + 2*Level to the sum of the bard's two highest perform skills (One Audible One Visual). This is a significant boost, especially at lower levels.
Soothing Performance - Changed the effect from 4 rounds of performing = mass cure serious to 1d8 + Bard Level healing per round used.
Reactive Countersong - Allows the use of Countersong as an immediate action, IE lets you attempt to interrupt spells on the fly instead of needing to preemptively put up countersong.
Song and Dance - Allows the use of two performances if they rely on a single component, IE lets you combine Inspire Courage (Standard Combat Performance) with things like Suggestion/Distraction/Fascinate.

Armor Proficiency - Clerics start with the ability to wear heavy armor.
Holy Symbol - While a cleric possesses his holy symbol he gains a bonus to wisdom and deflection AC.
Bonus Feats - The cleric now gains 4 bonus feats for channeling.

Mount - Gave each order a signature mount.
Mount Figurine - Granted at 5th level, allows the cavalier to magically summon or dismiss his mount as needed.
Weapon Focus (Lance) - Granted at 2nd level, as the combat feat
Weapon Specialization (Lance) - Granted at 9th level, as the combat feat

Animal Companion - Was given a huge overhaul, the animal companion is actually useful now!
New Druid Spells - I have added 2 new spells for druid, Dawn Strike and Star Nova.
New Wild Shape Feats - New and exciting Wild Shape feats have been implemented.
Additional Bonus Feats - Druids are granted 4 new bonus feats, at 2nd 8th 14th and 20th levels.
Limitation to Wild Shape Casting - I will be enforcing the casting rules as it pertains to druid's wild shape, if your form cannot speak or make hand gestures as required you will not be able to cast that spell. Spells with material requirements which specify a cost will not be available in a shape-shift form.

Weapon Group Feats - Whenever a fighter takes a feat which affects a specific weapon, he may instead choose a group of weapons.
Daily Drills - By spending time each day in practice the fighter gains a bonus to attack rolls and damage.
Foritification - As the fighter gains skill in using his armor he gains an extraordinary ability to avoid critical hits and precision damage.

Mechanical Aptitude - Grants the Gunslinger Trapfinding / Disable Device.

Martial Weapon - The inquisitor starts with martial weapon training.
Bonus Judgement - The inquisitor may use his judgement an amount of times per day equal to his wisdom modifier instead of just once, this number still increments at later levels.
Armor Training - Starting at 4th level the inquisitor gains armor training similar to a fighter.

Fighter Training - Changed this ability from 1/2 Magus levels as fighter levels to Magus level - 4, this will give magus a little better access to martial feats without making the fighter feel under powered.
Medium Armor - Added an alternative for those Magus who want to be dexterity based, bonus feat or arcana.
Heavy Armor - Added an alternative for those Magus who want to be dexterity based, bonus feat or arcana.

Guided Hand - The monk adds half his wisdom modifier to his attack rolls.
Style Feats - The Monk now gains bonus style feats at 3rd,5th,9th,13th and 17th levels.

Increased Skill ranks - From 2 + Int to 4 + Int
Smite Evil - Can be used an amount of times per day equal to his charisma modifier at first level, it continues to increase with level.
Lay on Hands - Increased to a d8, from a d6
Channel Positive Energy - Only consumes 1 use of lay on hands

Strange Blessing - Gave oracles a buff to their buffs! Better crit range for spells which improve your party.
Star Fall - Granted a fun Supernatural ability which can be used as a healing or damaging effect.

Finesse - Rogues start play with the Weapon Finesse feat.
Cunning Strike - At 5th level rogues gain the Cunning Strike feat.
Bonus Feats - Rogues gain bonus feats at 6th, 12th and 18th level.

Rapid Metamagic - Makes it easier for Sorcerers to cast with metamagic by not increasing the cast time.
Impromptu Metamagic - Allows the Sorcerer to substitute increase in spell levels from metamagic with lower level spells.

Eidolon - A Summoner's Eidolon is no longer banished whenever the summoner is asleep, the eidolon has also been given advanced progession (1 HD per level, full BaB/Saves/Skills/Etc), plus the Eidolon can now be fully healed via a long ritual and can be summoned in one round given material components.
Augment Summoning - The Summoner now gains Augmented Summoning as a bonus feat at 2nd level

Favored Enemy - Altered the amount of favored enemies gained from 1 per 5 levels to 1 per 4 levels.
Hunter's Bond - The ranger's level for the animal companion is his full class level instead of ranger level -3
Combat Style Feats - The Ranger can now select a second style at 10th level.
Favored Terrain - Doubled the amount of favored terrains gained.

Bonus Feats - The witch gains a bonus feat at 5th level and every 4 levels after.
Cauldron - The witch gains the Cauldron Hex for free at 3rd level.
Necklace of Bones - At 11th level the witch may form a necklace of Bones which stores spells.

Bonus Feats - The wizard gains a bonus feat at 3rd level and every 3 levels after. Instead of the normal 5th/10th/15th.
Studious - The wizard gains the chance to permanently increase his intelligence whenever he learns a new spell from a spell book or spell scroll.
Arcane Mastery - The wizard can double his spell crit range a limited amount of times per day.
Great Knowledge - The wizard adds his class level to his Knowledge Checks.
Arcane Insight - The wizard gains a bonus to spell penetration and DC against targets he can identify.
Well Schooled - Removes opposition schools.
Arch Magi - The wizard gains +2 Caster Level and +2 Spell DC

Alterations to Third Party Classes

Hit Dice - Upgraded to a 2d6 hit dice from 1d12, all classes take average HP as minimum. 2d6 = 7 HP minimum.
Starting Armor - Changed the default armor to a serrated shield in lieu of Ancestral Armor being added.
Ancestral Armor - Grants the Armiger any masterwork armor at 1st level.

Death Mage
Bonus Feats - Granted bonus feats at 4th, 8th, 12th and 16th levels
Ghoul Mage - Expanded and increased the morale bonus granted by 'Eat the Dead'; originally was +1 at first and +2 at tenth, was changed to +1 per 6 levels (max +4 at 18th level). Granted Ghoul Mages 2 claw attacks which can cause paralysis.
Tomb Mage - Granted a new supernatural ability Inflict Pain (as the spell) and increased the amount of uses of terrible visage; originally no more than once per day, now is twice per day at 8th and 3 times per day at 16th.
Reaper Mage - Granted a new supernatural ability hide of the reaper which increases the death mage's natural armor class.
Shadow Mage - Granted a new supernatural ability Move through Shadow which allows the death mage to travel through shadows.

Martial Artist
Increased Skill ranks - From 2 + Int to 4 + Int
Improved Unarmed Strike - Gave an option to take light armor proficiency instead
Fast Movement - Changed it to exclude medium armor
Extra Chosen Weapon - Increased the chosen weapon from one to two at first level.

Holy Symbol - While a priest possesses her holy symbol she gains a bonus to wisdom and deflection AC.
Bonus Feats - The priest gains a bonus feat at 2nd level and every 4 levels after.

Bonus Feats - Increased the Bonus Feats to every even level rather than every fourth.
Commanding Presence - Doubled the bonuses for attack / damage (From +1/+2/+3 to +2/+4/+6)
Combat Leader - Doubled the bonuses for initiative (From +1/+2/+3 to +2/+4/+6)
Hold the Line - Increased the bonus from a static 2 to the warlord's charisma modifier.
Rallying Presence - Doubled the bonuses for Fear Resistance (From +1/+2/+3 to +2/+4/+6)