
Chaos Knight

The chaos knight is not a chosen following; it is a curse of insanity bestowed upon unaware and unwilling subjects. When these creatures first started to appear a century ago they were more of a fairy tale, thought to scare children into behaving, but their numbers in the recent years grow and sightings are far more common. Not much is known about the Chaos Knight, their creation is unknown, though it is now widely believed the insanity is produced by magic and not natural cause.

Role: The chaos knight is a fighter who has delved into wild magic; he is an uncontrollable force who gives little thought to his or his ally’s safety.

Alignment:  Any Chaotic

Hit Die: d10

Starting Wealth: 5d6 × 10 gp (average 175 gp.) In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less.

Class Skills
The Chaos Knight’s class skills are Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (dungeoneering), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Swim (Str) and Use Magic Device (Cha)

Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int Modifier

Table: Chaos Knight
Chaos Aura, Touch of Turmoil
Bonus Feat
Shout of Discord
Bonus Feat
Wild Dweomer
Strength of Turmoil +1

Bonus Feat
Anarchic Weapon
Improved Wild Dweomer
Strength of Turmoil +2, Bonus Feat
Shadow Maelstrom

Greater Wild Dweomer
Bonus Feat
Strength of Turmoil +3
Master of Chaos, Bonus feat

Class Features
All of the following are class features for the Chaos Knight.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Chaos Knights are proficient with all simple and martial weapons; as well as light, medium heavy armor and shields (including tower shields)

Chaos Aura (Su)
Starting at 1st level the chaos knight surrounds himself with a 5 ft. aura of madness which grants him +4 to saving throws against spells of the enchantment and illusion schools, as well as -2 to enemy saving throws against spells from the enchantment and illusion schools.

Touch of Turmoil (Enchantment)
At 1st level the chaos knight may use a standard action to attempt to send the target’s mind into chaos rendering it confused for 1 round/2 chaos knight levels (Minimum 1). In order for this attack to take effect the chaos knight must hit with a touch attack and the target must fail a Will saving throw DC = 10 + 1/2 Chaos Knight Levels (Min 1) + Charisma Modifier. This ability may be used a number of times per day equal to 2 + his Charisma Modifier.

Bonus Feat
At 2nd level the Chaos Knight gains an additional combat feat which he meets the prerequisites for; he gains another bonus combat feat at 4th level then every 4 levels thereafter. 

Shout of Discord (Illusion)
Starting at 3rd level the chaos knight may use a standard action to shout with a magically enhanced voice, this shout causes friend and foe within a 15 ft. radius to see a phantasm of their worst fear and become frightened. The target may make a Will save against DC = 10 + 1/2 Chaos Knight Levels (Min 1) + Charisma Modifier to disbelieve else it is frightened, if the target attacks the phantasm it will realize the illusion and is no longer frightened.

Wild Dweomer
Starting at 5th level the chaos knight may use a basic wild dweomer an amount of times per day equal to 2 + his Charisma modifier. Roll a percentile dice and use the Table: Wild Dweomer to determine its effect. The spells are as given in the wizard/sorcerer spell-list and use his chaos knight levels as caster levels, wild dweomer is not affected by arcane failure from armor or shields. Use the chaos knight’s charisma modifier when determining the DC of his spells (10+spell level+his Charisma mod). Wild Dweomer spells are affected by spell resistance.

At 10th level he may use greater wild dweomer and at 15th level he may use improved wild dweomer. The chaos knight may also choose to use a lesser wild dweomer in place of his most powerful wild dweomer.

Table: Wild Dweomer
% Dice
Fireball (Self)
Hold Person (Self)
Geyser (Self)
Fizzle (No Effect)
Fizzle (No Effect)
Fizzle (No Effect)
Stone Call (Self)
Confusion (Self)
Curse, Major (Self)
Haste (Self)
Fickle Winds (Allies)
Fluid Form (Self)
Rage (1 Rnd/CL)(Self)
Stoneskin (Self)
True Seeing (Self)
Self: The spell is directed at the chaos knight, it affects all targets within range including the chaos knight
Allies: The Spell affects the chaos knight and allies within range, always use the chaos knight as the center of effects such as contagious flames.
Enemy: When cast the chaos knight is allowed to redirect the flow of magic to any spot he chooses, IE target an enemy after the roll.

Strength of Turmoil (Ex)
Starting at 6th level the chaos knight gains a magical bonus of +1 to his strength, this bonus increases to +2 at 12th level and +3 at 17th level.

Anarchic Weapon (Su)
At 9th level any weapon that the chaos knight wields gains the anarchic properties in addition to any other bonuses magically imbued in the weapon.

Shadow Maelstrom (Illusion)
At 13th level the chaos knight may choose to use a full round action to emanate complete chaos from his body, while in deep concentration he spawns a 20 ft tall 20 ft. radius dome of swirling shadow that contains dozens of living shades who viciously claw and grab anything they can. The chaos knight is the center of this effect and while in the center is incorporeal. While concentrating the chaos knight must make concentration checks as the pathfinder rules and may not take any other actions. He uses his chaos knight levels + his Charisma modifier instead of his concentration skill when making his concentration check. Consider the shadow maelstrom a level 5 spell when calculating the concentration checks.

Any creatures within this effect or who enters this effect are shrouded in magical darkness and can not see,  unless they have means to see through magical darkness the creature is effectively in the blinded condition. The shadows within this effect attempt to grapple any creatures they can, the CMB for this maneuver is rolled once per round for all creatures and is equal to the chaos knight's class levels + his Charisma bonus; any creature who is successfully grappled is inflicted with 1d6 slashing damage for every 2 chaos knight levels the caster possesses. This slashing damage is only taken on the initial grapple, it is not taken for checks to break the grapple or to maintain the grapple.

The chaos knight may use this ability once per day and it lasts for 1 round per 2 chaos knight levels or until the chaos knight's concentration is broken.

Pandemonium (Enchantment)
At 18th level the chaos knight may choose to use a standard action to carve a symbol of insanity (as the spell) into the ground at his feet. This symbol is immediately activated and affects everyone but the chaos knight. This ability is available once per day.

Master of Chaos (Su)
At 20th level the chaos knight has mastered the madness that surrounds him; he is now immune to all spells of the enchantment and illusion schools, he also reduces the enemy saving throws against spells from these schools by 2 + his Charisma Modifier.

This ability replaces Chaos Aura