

The Grimm is a unique combatant who has been personally blessed by the great Death Bringer Thanatos. All Grimm's are chosen at birth by Thanatos himself and raised in the monastery of the Order of Decessus, through strict training and meditation they hone their necromantic and martial skills from early childhood until their adulthood. After this training has been completed the Grimm leaves the monastery, travelling the world as she sees fit while always listening for the call to arms from her revered Thanatos.

This elite soldier of the deity Thanatos is extremely rare, there may only ever be 7 in existence (the same number as the founders of the Order of Decessus) and only 1 or 2 are discovered in each generation of the Order.

Role: The Grimm is a very unique melee fighter who may use supernatural and spell abilities to increase her fighting prowess. By draining her enemies of their energy she may turn it back onto them to exact death and vengeance in the name of her deity Thanatos.

Deity: Thanatos

Faction: Order of Decessus

Hit Die: d8

Starting Wealth: The Grimm starts with only 20 gold pieces but always starts play with a Masterwork Scythe and basic Leather Armor.

*note* a Grimm at 4th level will start with the gold outlined in Character Creation

Class Skills
The Grimm’s Class Skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Perception (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Stealth (Dex) and Swim (Str).

Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int Modifier

Table: Grimm
Scythe  Specialist, Fast Movement
Darkvision, Blinking

Soul Pool, Soul Spell, Soul Siphon

Damage Reduction
Glimpse into Undeath
Reaching Scythe

Wings of the Reaper

Death Touch

Thanatos' Eye

Scythe Master


Class Features
All of the following are class features for the Grimm.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
A Grimm is only proficient with the scythe and light armor. While wielding or wearing any other armor or weapons the Grimm is not able to use her soul pool at all and loses any scythe related abilities, if she removes the weapon or armor than her abilities will require 24 hours to be restored.

Scythe Specialist
Starting at 1st level the Grimm may use her grace or her brawn to wield her scythe, she may add either her dexterity or strength modifier, whichever is highest, to all attack/damage rolls while using her scythe. If she chooses to use her dexterity then her damage modifier is 100% of her dexterity bonus + 50% of her strength bonus, if she relies solely on strength then the bonus is 150% of her strength modifier. This ability negates the effects of Weapon Finesse and Agile Strikes.

Fast Movement
Starting at 1st level the Grimm moves with a supernatural speed, her land movement speed increases by 10 ft, she gains an additional 10 ft. bonus at 10th level.

Starting at 2nd level the Grimm gains the benefits of darkvision (60 ft.), if she already has darkvision from another source it then increases by 30 ft.

At 2nd level the Grimm has developed a connection to the incorporeal world, she gains a supernatural ability to blink (as the spell) for 1 round per Grimm level per day. These rounds do not have to be consecutive.

Soul Pool
At 4th level the Grimm gains a pool of energy which she may use to power supernatural abilities and soul spells, this energy is absorbed from living creatures who are slain by the Grimm and can be released through her scythe or her hands. The maximum amount of soul points in the pool is equal to the Grimm’s class level plus her charisma modifier, soul points are not regenerated after resting and must be gained through soul siphon. Soul points do not decay but cannot exceed the maximum.

Reserved soul points - Some abilities that the Grimm has requires a reserve of soul points, this means that ability requires you to have an equal amount of soul points available in the Soul Pool for it to function, if you lose or use these soul points the ability stops functioning.

Example: A Grimm currently has 14 soul points in her soul pool, she also has flight and foresight activated, these 2 abilities require a total of 10 soul points in reserve to stay active. She then casts a level 4 Grimm spell which reduces her soul points to 6, since these points are not enough to sustain both abilities she must choose to cancel one ability. Any ability which is cancelled due to a shortage of soul points may not be used again for 24 hours, the Grimm may always choose to dismiss any abilities as a free action.

Soul Spell
At 4th level the Grimm may expend soul points in order to fuel her spells and abilities, she may choose spells from the Grimm Spell List. The soul point cost of each spell is double its spell level. The DC for the Grimm’s spells is equal to 10 + twice the spell level + the Grimm’s charisma modifier. These spells are affected by spell resistance. The Grimm may cast all first level spells at 4th level, all second level spells at 8th level, all third level spell at 12th level and all fourth level spells at 16th level. These spells are not affected by Arcane Spell Failure from Armor.

Soul Siphon
At 4th level the Grimm gains the ability to siphon an enemy's soul into her soul pool. By channeling negative energy through her Scythe as a melee attack or through her hands as a melee touch attack she may inflict 1d6 negative energy damage and gain half that amount of soul points for her soul pool. This ability used as a touch attack may be channeled through a Spectral Hand.

When delivering this attack through touch the Grimm may use her dexterity modifier instead of her strength modifier for her attack roll, if she overcomes the target's touch armor class then she will deliver the negative energy damage and siphon soul points equal to half the negative energy damage (min 1).

When this attack is delivered through her scythe she may, as a full attack action, make one attack at her highest base attack bonus against the target's armor class, if she successfully hits she will deal her normal weapon damage plus the negative energy damage and will siphon an amount of soul points equal to half the negative energy damage (min 1).

Any target who has had it's soul siphoned by a Grimm but is not slain regains 1d4 soul points per hour until it's soul is restored. This means the Grimm will lose 1d4 soul points, to a maximum of the total taken from the still living creature. If this causes the Grimm's soul pool to drop below 0 the Grimm will suffer a random ability drain that can only be cured by resupplying her Soul Pool. This required resupply is any number greater than 0, a Grimm who is suffering from an ability drain is only required to use Soul Siphon once successfully to remedy the penalty.

At 8th level the negative energy damage increases to 2d4, at 12th level it increases to 2d6 and at 16th level it increases to 2d8

Damage Reduction
Starting at 6th level the Grimm gains damage reduction 1/-, and gains an additional 1/- for every 3 levels after (Max 5/- at 18th level)

After attaining 7th level, a Grimm no longer takes ability score penalties for aging and cannot be magically aged. Any penalties she may have already incurred, however, remain in place. Bonuses still accrue, and the Grimm still dies of old age when her time is up.

At 8th level the Grimm gains an almost clairvoyant ability to react to danger before it happens. She gains foresight as a supernatural ability, this ability requires 4 soul points be reserved. This ability may be activated at will as a free action and can only affect the Grimm.

Glimpse into Undeath
Starting at 9th level the Grimm may take on one aspect of Undead Traits by reserving the associated amount of soul points. As the Grimm's power matures she may unlock more traits to use but may only ever use a single trait at one time. It is a standard action to change this trait and the trait can only be altered an amount of times per day equal to the Grimm's Charisma Modifier. The Grimm loses this ability if she chooses to fall into Undeath at 20th level.

9th level - Immunity to Fatigue and Exhaustion - 1 Soul Point in Reserve
9th level - Immunity to Disease and Poison - 3 Soul Points in Reserve
11th level - Immunity to Paralysis, Sleep and Stun - 4 Soul Points in Reserve
12th level - Immunity to Mind Affecting Spells - 3 Soul Points in Reserve
12th level - Ability to be Healed by Negative Energy, damaged by Positive Energy - 3 Soul Points in Reserve
14th level - Immunity to Ability or Energy Drain - 4 Soul Points in Reserve

Reaching Scythe
Starting at 10th level the Grimm may choose to use her scythe as a reach weapon, 10 ft, and threatens a 10 ft. radius when considering attacks of opportunity. This range is not increased if her size is large or becomes large through a spell. The Grimm may still make attacks against adjacent units while threatening the 10 ft. radius.

Wings of the Reaper
At 12th level the Grimm gains 60 ft. flight with perfect maneuverability as a supernatural ability, this ability requires 6 soul points be reserved. This ability may be activated at will as a free action and can only affect the Grimm.

Death Touch
Starting at 14th level the Grimm may choose to attack with her scythe and cause a creature to be wracked with negative energy. The Grimm may make a single attack at her highest base attack bonus as a full attack action, if she successfully hits the enemy then it must make a fortitude save (DC = 10 + 1/2 Grimm Levels + Charisma Modifier) or be caused 1d4 negative levels. Any humanoid slain by this effect is consumed by unholy fire and has it’s remains destroyed (as the Destruction spell). This is a death effect. This ability may be used an amount of times per day equal to the Grimm's charisma modifier.

Thanatos' Eye
Starting at 16th level the Grimm may see as her deity does; she gains True Seeing as a supernatural ability, this ability requires 10 soul points be reserved. This ability may be activated at will as a free action and can only affect the Grimm.

Scythe Master
At 18th level the grimm masters the use of her scythe; she can no longer be disarmed while wielding her scythe, her scythe’s crit range increases to 19-20 (stacks with keen/improved critical) and she automatically confirms critical hits with her scythe.

At 20th level, a Grimm may choose to join the ranks of the undead. Her DR increases to 10/bludgeoning and good. Her type changes to undead, and she acquires all undead traits. The Grimm no longer has a Constitution score. She uses her Charisma score for calculating hit points, Fortitude saves, and any special abilities that rely on Constitution. If she falls into undeath the Grimm slowly begins to decay as she ventures into unholy immortality. By avoiding her own death the Grimm is exiled from her Order as well as hunted by other Grimm's for violating Thanatos' domain.

If the Grimm refuses undeath then she instead gains a boon from the Order of Decessus and Thanatos. She is gifted with Armor of the Reaper, the Scythe of Destruction and the supernatural ability to summon 1d4 minor reapers 3/day.