
Black-Blood Swordsman

The black-blood swordsman is the elite soldier of the Xadaganian Empire; these deadly warriors use no mundane weapon or armor, instead they have mastered the manipulation of their tainted blood. Through extreme training, and a little help from the alchemists of the empire, these soldiers may harden their blood at will to form their favored blade and protective armor. Only about a quarter of the select soldiers trained actually survive to become a black-blood swordsman, due to this rarity their existence is considered a myth to the majority of Krona.

Role: The black blood swordsman is a disciplined warrior who does not seek out battle but does not fear to show her deadly skills when needed.

Race: Human (Xadaganian)

Hit Die: d10

Starting Wealth: 1d6 × 10 gp (average 35 gp.) In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less.

Class Skills
The Black-Blood Swordsman Class Skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft(Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim(Str).
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int Modifier

Table: Black-Blood Swordsman

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Blood Blade, Blood Armor, Weapon Focus

Bonus Fighter Feat
Blood Blade +1
Bonus Fighter Feat
Blood Blade +2
Tainted Resistance
Bonus Fighter Feat
Blood Blade +3
Extend, Keen Blood Blade
Bonus Fighter Feat
Blood Blade +4
Resilient Armor
Bonus Fighter Feat
Blood Blade +5

Bonus Fighter Feat
Alignment Blood Blade

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Black-Blood Swordsman.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Black-blood swordsman are proficient with simple weapons and all swords; she is also proficient with light armor and shields (Excluding Tower Shields).

Weapon Focus
The black-blooded swordsman gains weapon focus in any single sword she is proficient with at 1st level.

Blood Blade (Su)
Starting at 1st level the black-blood swordsman lets blood flow from a permanent slash in her hand to create any sword she has obtained weapon focus for. All blood blades are eligible for the weapon finesse feat. Since she summons this sword supernaturally it is a swift action to either wield the blade or switch the kind of blade wielded and she cannot be disarmed. The blood blade is the equivalent of a masterwork item and gains bonuses as she progresses. At 4th level and every 3 levels after the blade gains an additional +1 enhancement bonus (max +5 at 16th level).

At 11th level the blood blade is imbued with the keen feature.
At 19th level the blood blade turns to a specific alignment chosen by the Swordsman; Holy, Unholy or Anarchic.

Blood Armor (Su)
Starting at 1st level anytime the black-blood swordsman is damaged she hardens the blood produced from the wound (Only Fire, Electricity, Slash, Pierce, and Bludgeoning Damage) which immediately heals any bleeding and grants a natural armor buff equal to half her black-blood swordsman level (Min +1). This armor buff dissipates if the swordsman's hit points are at maximum, 5 minutes have passed or until the current combat has ended. This ability is not available if she is wearing medium or heavy armor and any regeneration causes this armor to not work.

Bonus Fighter Feat
Starting at 3rd level and every 3 levels after that the black-blooded swordsman gains an additional combat feat she meets the prerequisites for. For feats that require fighter levels, count her black-blood swordsman levels - 2 as her effective fighter level.

Toxic (Su)
Starting at 5th level the toxic blood that forms her blood blade now attempts to poison the target on a successful melee attack (maximum 1 attempted poison effect per round). This poison decreases the targets strength by 1d4 for 1 hour, fortitude save 10+ (black-blood swordsman level/2) + black-blood swordsman's Constitution Modifier. This poison does not stack with itself or other strength reduction abilities, take the highest strength reduction when considering multiple effects.

Tainted Resistance

At 8th level the black-blood swordsman’s tainted blood makes her immune to all poisons and diseases.

Extend (Su)
Starting at 11th level the black-blood swordsman may choose to use her blood blade as a reach weapon by reforming it and extending the blade outward for a moment. This is a full round action and allows the black-blooded swordsman to make one attack at full base attack bonus from 20 ft. as a piercing attack.

Resilient Armor (Su)
At 14th level the black-blooded swordsman is so adept at using her blood armor that she can predict blows and protect herself before they are dealt, this ability gives her damage reduction 5/- and her natural armor bonus from blood armor is permanent.