

The reaver is not born or trained, it is made; from filth and disease culminating into a being of pure fury and wrath. A cousin to the barbarian, the reaver uses his rage to power his battle finesse but his is a supernatural bloodlust resulting from particularly critical combat moments. When the eyes of a reaver gloss over red and the ecstatic grin of blood-thirst crosses his face, his enemies are truly in for the fight of their lives.

Only a few of these beings have been seen in the last few decades, but in recent years they have started to multiply at an alarming rate. No one knows their origin, not even the Reavers themselves, but there are rumors of a dark and mysterious master who creates these creatures from the shadows.

Role: The Reaver is a capable combatant, one who may use strategy and tactics to win out the battle...but when he enters a bloodlust there is nothing but the moment, the passion of battle and the next kill on his mind.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil

Races: Reavers can be any race but are more commonly monstrous humanoids.

Hit Die: 2d6

Starting Wealth: 3d6 × 10 gp (average 105 gp.) In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less.

Class Skills
The Reaver’s class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Disguise(Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Ride (Dex), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).

Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Intelligence Modifier

Table: Reaver

Tough Hide
Frenzy, Plagued Weapon
Bonus Feat, Fast Movement +10
Frenzy power, Tough Hide
Circle of Filth, Disease Immunity

Bonus Feat, Frenzy power
Plague Strike
Fast Movement +20
Frenzy power
Bonus Feat
Spell Resistance
Frenzy power

Bonus Feat, Fast Movement +30
Blood Boil, Frenzy power


Bonus Feat, Frenzy power

Fast Movement +40

Class Features
All of the following are class features for the Reaver.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Reavers are proficient with all simple and martial weapons; as well as light armor, medium armor and shields (excluding tower shields).

Reavers are rage filled juggernauts in the field of battle but even more so when they are critically injured or critically hit the enemy. Anytime a reaver receives a critical hit, deals a critical hit or lands a killing blow he enters the frenzy state, this state lasts for an amount of rounds equal to ½ his reaver levels (minimum 1) plus his constitution modifier. While in a frenzied state the reaver gains a +6 morale bonus to strength and dexterity, a +2 morale bonus to will save, gains 1 temporary HP per hit dice and all frenzy powers taken but also loses 2 to his armor class (flat footed and touch included). He gains these benefits immediately after the critical hit and can not enter a frenzy state again for 2 rounds after the previous frenzy has worn off. Any remaining temporary HP is lost when the frenzy ends.

Plagued Weapon
As a standard action the reaver may imbue his weapon with disease for 1 minute per reaver level (iterative attacks do not generate additional disease attempts), he may do this an amount of times per day equal to his constitution modifier (if positive). The reaver may choose between Filth Fever, Sleeping Sickness, Rapture Pox, Mindfire or Bog Rot. The DC for this disease is equal to 10 + ½ reaver levels + his constitution modifier. A plagued weapon wielded by a Reaver is treated as a keen weapon.

Bonus Feat
Starting at 2nd level, and every 4 levels after, the reaver gains a bonus combat feat for which he meets the prerequisites for.

Fast Movement (Su)
Starting at 2nd level the reaver moves with a supernatural speed, he adds 10 ft onto his base movement speed and an additional 10 ft for every 6 levels after (Maximum 40 ft at 20th level). The reaver loses this ability when wearing heavy armor.

Frenzy Power
At 3rd level and every 3 levels thereafter the reaver gains a bonus frenzy power which can be selected from the following…
Agile Movements – Prerequisite: Extra Dexterity. You gain +2 to your dodge armor class.
Bloodlust - Prerequisite: 9th level. When the Reaver enters a frenzy from dealing a critical blow or deals a cirtical blow during a frenzy, add 1d4 rounds to the current frenzy.
Bonus Plague – Add an additional disease onto your Plague Weapon ability (Max 2)
Explosive Rage - Prerequisite: Raging Hulk, Bloodlust. When you enter your frenzy you immediately perform a whirlwind attack.
Extra Strength - You gain an additional +2 strength whenever you are frenzied.
Extra Dexterity – You gain an additional +2 dexterity whenever you are frenzied.
Extra Willpower – You gain an additional +2 on your will save when you are frenzied.
Frenzied Pounce – When frenzying you gain pounce and can make a full attack action after a charge.
Limit Break - Prerequisite: Raging Hulk, Agile Movements. While frenzied the reaver increases his strength bonus by 50%; offhand attacks gain 100% of his strength bonus, main hand attacks gain 150% of his strength bonus and two-handed attacks gain 200% of his strength bonus. This frenzy power stacks with the Powerful Strike feat.
Mark of Death - Prerequisite: 12th level. When frenzied you may choose to mark a single target as your focus, you must attack that target and your frenzy lasts until that target has been killed or escapes the current combat. You may not enter a frenzy for 5 minutes after the target has been killed or escapes combat.
Mind Blank - Prerequisite: Extra Willpower. While frenzied you are immune to mind affecting spells.
Raging Hulk - Prerequisite: Extra Strength. You gain +2 to your bonus damage.
Wild Vitality – You gain 2 temporary HP per hit dice rather than 1.
Greater Wild Vitality – Prerequisite: Wild Vitality. You gain 3 temporary HP per hit dice rather than 2.

Tough Hide
Starting at 3rd level the reaver gains a natural armor bonus outlined in the Table: Reaver.

Circle of Filth
Starting at 4th level the reaver may use a standard action to create a ring of plague around himself; this ring has a 5 ft radius and spreads Filth Fever to anyone who is within it. At 12th level this radius increases to 10 ft. The DC for this disease is equal to 10 + ½ reaver levels + constitution modifier.

Disease Immunity
Starting at 4th level the reaver is immune to all disease.

Plague Strike
At 7th level the Reaver may choose to give up all iterative attacks to guarantee a critical threat on a target who is inflicted with one of his diseases, the Reaver must still roll to confirm the critical. Add the number of the Reaver's diseases afflicting the target to the critical modifier (Ex. A reaver wielding a greataxe is attacking a target who he afflicted with 2 unique diseases, the reaver uses plague strike and hits, the reaver therefore deals 5d12 weapon damage to his target). This ability can be used an amount of times per day equal to his constitution modifier.

Spell Resistance
Starting at 11th level the reaver gains spell resistance equal to 9 + his reaver levels.

Blood Boil (Su)
At 15th level the Reaver has learned to manipulate diseases in other creatures. The reaver may take a full round action and inflict searing pain to all diseased creatures within 20 ft., this pain causes 1d6 points of damage per two reaver levels (maximum 10d6) and causes the creature to become exhausted (Fortitude save DC = 10 + 1/2 Reaver levels + Reaver Con Mod to avoid exhaustion). This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to the reaver’s constitution modifier.