
Martial Classes

These supernatural masters of primal magic ferociously defend Gaia's creations as a mother protects her own child. These wards of nature transform into beasts, magical and mundane, as needed to preserve the sanctity of his loved mother nature. The animorph is a cousin of the druid, but forsakes the power of divine magic in order to strengthen his connection  to the bestial realm. He values strength above all else; battle is passion, a feat of physical might of deadly grace and unwavering vitality.

Armigers are masters of defense, able to shrug off attacks that would destroy lesser combatants, and even increase the survivability of those around them. The armiger is built around maximizing the benefit of armor and shields. With large hit point totals, special defense-related talents, and an aptitude for unusual shields, armigers can carry the fight forward under the most difficult circumstances. The best armigers often find themselves the main thing standing between victory and a total party kill.

For some, there is only rage. In the ways of their people, in the fury of their passion, in the howl of battle, conflict is all these brutal souls know. Savages, hired muscle, masters of vicious martial techniques, they are not soldiers or professional warriors—they are the battle possessed, creatures of slaughter and spirits of war. Known as barbarians, these warmongers know little of training, preparation, or the rules of warfare; for them, only the moment exists, with the foes that stand before them and the knowledge that the next moment might hold their death. They possess a sixth sense in regard to danger and the endurance to weather all that might entail. These brutal warriors might rise from all walks of life, both civilized and savage, though whole societies embracing such philosophies roam the wild places of the world. Within barbarians storms the primal spirit of battle, and woe to those who face their rage.
The black-blood swordsman is the elite soldier of the Xadaganian Empire; these deadly warriors use no mundane weapon or armor, instead they have mastered the manipulation of their tainted blood. Through extreme training, and a little help from the alchemists of the empire, these soldiers may harden their blood at will to form their favored blade and protective armor. Only about a quarter of the select soldiers trained actually survive to become a black-blood swordsman, due to this rarity their existence is considered a myth to the majority of Krona.

While many warriors strive to perfect their art, spending all of their time honing their skill at martial arms,

others spend as much effort dedicating themselves to a cause. These warriors, known as cavaliers, swear themselves to a purpose, serving it above all else. Cavaliers are skilled at fighting from horseback, and are often found charging across a battlefield, with the symbol of their order trailing on a long, fluttering banner. The cavalier’s true power comes from the conviction of his ideals, the oaths that he swears, and the challenges he makes.

The chaos knight is not a chosen following; it is a curse of insanity bestowed upon unaware and unwilling subjects. When these creatures first started to appear a century ago they were more of a fairy tale, thought to scare children into behaving, but their numbers in the recent years grow and sightings are far more common. Not much is known about the Chaos Knight, their creation is unknown, though it is now widely believed the insanity is produced by magic and not natural cause.

Dragoons are powerful physical attackers that wield various types of spears and lances. They wear special
armor meant to invoke the imagery of dragons, including helmets shaped like a dragon's head, spikes, and wing and scale designs. Dragoons are sometimes more directly tied to dragons, it is not uncommon for a dragoon to be a follower of a particularly powerful drake or a close friend to one of her favored dragons.
Some take up arms for glory, wealth, or revenge. Others do battle to prove themselves, to protect others, or
because they know nothing else. Still others learn the ways of weaponcraft to hone their bodies in battle and prove their mettle in the forge of war. Lords of the battlefield, fighters are a disparate lot, training with many weapons or just one, perfecting the uses of armor, learning the fighting techniques of exotic masters, and studying the art of combat, all to shape themselves into living weapons. Far more than mere thugs, these skilled warriors reveal the true deadliness of their weapons, turning hunks of metal into arms capable of taming kingdoms, slaughtering monsters, and rousing the hearts of armies. Soldiers, knights, hunters, and artists of war, fighters are unparalleled champions, and woe to those who dare stand against them.

Grim and determined, the inquisitor roots out enemies of the faith, using trickery and guile when righteousness and purity is not enough. Although inquisitors are dedicated to a deity, they are above many of the normal rules and conventions of the church. They answer to their deity and their own sense of justice alone, and are willing to take extreme measures to meet their goals.

Martial artists, like monks, are practitioners of demanding meditative arts and advanced fighting techniques. Martial artists typically come from monasteries or fighting academies, although some learn their arts from family mentors or private tutors. Rather than focusing on esoteric powers and spiritual attainment, the martial artist seeks perfection through rigorous training and constant challenge. Although martial artists may be peaceful artists or vicious bandits, depending on their personal inclination, virtually any martial artist will be eager for the opportunity to test their abilities against opponents, especially other martial artists, monks, and weapon masters.

For the truly exemplary, martial skill transcends the battlefield—it is a lifestyle, a doctrine, a state of mind. These warrior-artists search out methods of battle beyond swords and shields, finding weapons within themselves just as capable of crippling or killing as any blade. These monks (so called since they adhere to ancient philosophies and strict martial disciplines) elevate their bodies to become weapons of war, from battle-minded ascetics to self-taught brawlers. Monks tread the path of discipline, and those with the will to endure that path discover within themselves not what they are, but what they are meant to be.

 Through a select, worthy few shines the power of the divine. Called paladins, these noble souls dedicate their swords and lives to the battle against evil. Knights, crusaders, and law-bringers, paladins seek not just to spread divine justice but to embody the teachings of the virtuous deities they serve. In pursuit of their lofty goals, they adhere to ironclad laws of morality and discipline. As reward for their righteousness, these holy champions are blessed with boons to aid them in their quests: powers to banish evil, heal the innocent, and inspire the faithful. Although their convictions might lead them into conflict with the very souls they would save, paladins weather endless challenges of faith and dark temptations, risking their lives to do right and fighting to bring about a brighter future.

For those who relish the thrill of the hunt, there are only predators and prey. Be they scouts, trackers, or bounty hunters, rangers share much in common: unique mastery of specialized weapons, skill at stalking even the most elusive game, and the expertise to defeat a wide range of quarries. Knowledgeable, patient, and skilled hunters, these rangers hound man, beast, and monster alike, gaining insight into the way of the predator, skill in varied environments, and ever more lethal martial prowess. While some track man-eating creatures to protect the frontier, others pursue more cunning game—even fugitives among their own people.
The reaver is not born or trained, it is made; from filth and disease culminating into a being of pure fury and wrath. A cousin to the barbarian, the reaver uses his rage to power his battle finesse but his is a supernatural bloodlust resulting from particularly critical combat moments. When the eyes of a reaver gloss over red and the ecstatic grin of blood-thirst crosses his face, his enemies are truly in for the fight of their lives.

A Warlord is a leader on the battlefield, standing on the front line, commanding troops and offering aid to allies as the battle rages. They are brilliant tacticians, often spelling the difference between defeat and victory.