

* The Deities were created by the Old God Y'Thura during the great Rebirth of Krona, each holds a seat in the mythical pantheon on Mount TODO. 
* These council members control the primary workings of the world and maintain the balance of the planet to best protect its inhabitants.
* The Deities are immortal beings of remarkable wisdom, the power they hold is primarily designed around the domain they govern.
* They are not omnipotent or all powerful, they are merely extremely strong magical creatures.
* They have free will and unique personalities; however, they are also part of Y'Thura and normally hold loyalty to their design.
* The deities created most of the sentient races in Krona as well as many of the animals (Gaia).

* All deities need to be Lawful
* Will be creating new Domains; 1-2 per deity, some will overlap. Will need to rework cleric.

Alignment: True Neutral
Domains: Time, Prophecy
Sub-Domains: Fate, Dark Tapestry, Memory
Favored Weapon: Starknife

Cybele is a mysterious loner who tends to stray from conflicts and prefers to do her duties in peace. As the master of time she may travel throughout the timeline, though she is always a fixed point, in order to ensure the stability of the fabric of time. She works closely with Thanatos, but is not necessarily friendly with him; the combination of these two deities decide when a soul has reached its limited time and executes the reaping of that soul. Though she does not make it pubic knowledge, she truly loathes the self-righteous Metatron and the cruel Lilith.

Alignment: Neutral Good
Domains: Animal, Exploration, Plant, Earth
Sub-Domains: Seasons, Oceans
Favored Weapon: Scimitar

Gaia is the caretaker of all that is natural, she wanders the world breathing life into the earth, sky and sea. As the master of all natural things she sees and knows anything that every tree or animal sees, she has a complete connection with every forest, ocean, mountain range and tundra which houses her children. Gaia is ferociously protective of her domain and employs many of her followers to protect it. She truly despises Echidna whose children threaten to destroy Gaia's domain, and is very close to Sarasvati who shares many aspects of her views.

Isis and Nephthys
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Domains: Air, Earth, Fire, Water
Sub-Domains: Arcane, Moon, Protean
Favored Weapon: Chakram

Isis and Nephthys are sisters who maintain and fuel the arcane weave which flows through Krona. These mischievous deities posses immense amounts of arcane energy and love to use it to play tricks on their fellow deities and create pockets of primal magics across the world. The two sisters tend to travel separately but  are, in a sense, inseparable with their constant telepathic bond. The sisters tend to alienate their fellow deities with their little practical jokes, very few enjoy the company of the sisters but respect the great responsibility the sisters hold maintaining the arcane weave.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Domains: Good, Protection, Strength
Sub-Domains: Honor, Judgement, Divine, Tactics
Favored Weapon: Bastard Sword
Requirement: Must be Good

Metatron, the wrathful hand of justice and good, leader of angels and king of the heavenly hosts. The supreme leader of Angels, Archons and Azata; he sits on a holy throne ruling over his kingdom and using his subjects to exact retribution on the evils of the world. Metatron is a leader in the group of deities, arguably the most powerful but mainly he is the most fervent in his duties as a Deity of Krona. Metatron dislikes most of the deities but has a particular distaste for Echidna, Lilith and Suzaku. He believes the evil deities are not worthy of their title and the remaining deities should be more devoted to his own cause.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Domains: Knowledge, Travel, Trickery
Sub-Domains: Trap, Night, Murder,
Favored Weapon: Kukri

Nebiros the Trickster, the Assassin in the shadows; he is truly the master of secrets, shadows and deception. With not a care in the world this master of thieves spreads his own unique brand of chaos; the puppet master of all spies, thieves, assassins, murderers and the like. His carefree nature allows him to be friendly with all deities, but his charismatic attitude hides his always devious mindset. Isis and Nephthys are extremely friendly with Nebiros, their shared brand of humor has created a unique bond between the deities. Everyone else tends to see Nebiros as an immature jokester, but are always wary of his intricate and devious plots. 

Alignment: Neutral Good
Domains: Knowledge, Good, Rune 
Sub-Domains: Revelation, Stars
Favored Weapon: Sword Cane

Nom the father of wisdom and master of all knowledge, he is the adviser to all of the deities and provides priceless insight into the meetings of the deities. He resides in the stars and watches over the world, he is the only deity who is truly omnipotent but is far more detached from the world. Nom has no real preference whether all of krona is in chaos or is in balance, he is a being of good but does not interfere with the workings of the world. He is the passive historian, the keeper of events and the author of Krona's life story. Nom cultivates no relationships with his fellow deities, some deities disrespect his neutrality but are held in awe of his vast knowledge and wisdom.

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Domains: CommunityGoodTravel, Water
Sub-Domains: Restoration, Liberation
Favored Weapon: Scizore

Sarasvati is the wild spirit, the explorer of Krona and the liberator of the oppressed. She takes the form of a woman made from water to symbolize the unrestricted freedom of her movements, in this form she travels throughout the land inspiring adventurers and travelers. She does not take command over any specific beings but leads her followers to pursue a life of adventure and pushes them to be the savior to the subjugated. Sarasvati is extremely charismatic and friendly with all the deities except for Suzaku, Lilith and Echidna; she dislikes all evil but accepts the need for Thanatos. 
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Domains: Death, Repose, Void
Sub-Domains: Loss, Fear, Inevitable,
Favored Weapon: Scythe
Thanatos, The Death Bringer, Lord of Loss, The Fear That Lurks; his hand eventually reaches into every mortal's life.  Though 'tis true he helps enforce the natural cycle of the world and thus maintain the delicate balance that all the gods seek, there is a darker side to Thanatos.  Yes, he and his agents do help usher mortal souls into the afterlife, but few know that Thanatos and his minions also reap souls to power his own existence.  To be one with death, he must feed on the very essence of it at times.  Thus it is that the wise keep an leery eye on a known agent of Thanatos, for they are crafty and their lord is ever hungry.  The Lord of Loss works with Cybele to make sure that those whose time is up move on to the afterlife.  Beyond that though, he has no close relationships with the other deities.  Most keep him at arm's length at the least, because it's not unknown for his agents to "reap" servants of the other deities.

Alignment: Neutral Good
Domains: Luck, Nobility, Liberation
Sub-Domains: Love, Day, Trade, Purity
Favored Weapon: Rapier
Titania is the keeper of luck and fortune, the royal lady of the deities and the pure light in the world. She behaves as a Queen would, every word well thought, posture always straight and her gowns only the finest in the world. Her presence is truly calming to all and her visage provides a supernatural charm to any who are of a good or lawful alignment. She sits on a golden throne which radiates holy light, from this pedestal she bestows gifts of luck and fortune upon the goodly folks of krona. Her followers are often the common peoples, those who work the market and the fields, but many goodly adventurers revere the holy deity. Nebiros calls her 'The Lady with the Broom up her Bum', a nickname which illustrates  the feelings of many deities about the pretentious princess. Metatron, Nom, Gaia, Cybele and Jikokuten truly respect both her beauty and her purity.