
Engineer Feats

Artillery Feats

Blessed Mortar Round
Prerequisite: Good Deity, Artillery Specialization, 8th level engineer

You may choose to infuse your mortar rounds with holy damage gifted from your deity.

Benefit: Changes your mortar damage to half holy half fire Damage.

Normal: Your mortars deal Fire Damage

Frostfire Flamethrower
Prerequisite: Artillery Specialization, 14th level engineer

You may alter the liquid fire used in your Flamethrowers (excluding the Mechanical Dragon Head) to be frostfire oil. This frostfire oil works just like regular flamethrower fuel but deals frost and fire damage.

Benefit: Your flamethrowers can be loaded with frostfire oil to deal half frost and half fire damage; this can be done at the start of each day during maintenance or the initial building of the flamethrower. Frostfire and Fire oil cannot be switched at will, it requires 1 hour of maintenance to do so.

Mine Specialist
Prerequisite: Artillery Specialization, 5th level engineer

You specialize in the use of your mines, you may take grenade specific feats which change the damage type and apply it to your mines. Excludes Cleric's Grenade and Flash Bang Grenade.

Modified Flamethrower
Prerequisite: Artillery Specialization, 10th level engineer

You alter the tip of the barrel for your flamethrowers to be able to switch between a line and cone effect. Switching between line and cone requires a free action. A 30 ft line effect becomes a 20 ft cone, a 20 ft line effect becomes a 15 ft cone. A 60 ft cone effect becomes a 100 ft line effect.

Improved Mortar Fire
Prerequisite: Artillery Specialization, 7th level engineer

You master the art of arcing your mortar rounds and accurately hitting the intended target, the reflex save against your mortars is increased by +2.

Unholy Mortar Round
Prerequisite: Evil Deity, Artillery Specialization, 8th level engineer

You may choose to infuse your mortar rounds with unholy damage gifted from your deity.

Benefit: Changes your mortars damage to half unholy half fire Damage.

Normal: Your mortars deal Fire Damage

General Engineering Feats

Amateur Gunslinger
Prerequisite: You have no levels in a class that has the grit class feature.

Although you are not a gunslinger, you both have and can use grit.

Benefit: You gain a small amount of grit, and the ability to perform a single 1st-level deed from the gunslinger class feature of the same name. At the start of the day, you gain 1 grit point, though throughout the day you can gain grit points up to a maximum of your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). You can regain grit using the rules for the grit gunslinger class feature. You can spend this grit to perform the 1st-level deed you chose and any other deed you gain through feats or magic items.

Special: If you gain levels in a class that grants the grit class feature, you can immediately trade this feat for the Extra Grit feat.

Bonus Schematic
Prerequisite: 3rd level Engineer

Taking this feat allows the engineer to have 1 more schematic active for a chosen schematic level, this feat can be taken multiple times but can only be applied once per schematic level.

Heavy Firepower
Prerequisite: 14th level Engineer

For any engineer class ability which involves explosives or fire (Grenade, Mortars, Flamethrowers, Mines, etc) consider your engineer class level as 4 higher, to a maximum of your total class levels.

Clockwork Familiar
Prerequisite: 5th level engineer

You mimic a wizard's familiar with a clockwork creation of your own. This requires one week of work and is permanent. This familiar does not qualify for any familiar feats. This familiar does not gain the benefits of Share Spells, Empathetic Link, Deliver Touch Spells, Speak with Animals of its Kind or Scry on Familiar. If destroyed the clockwork familiar can be rebuilt with 2 days of work.

*This feat may only be taken once

Stick Grenade
Prerequisite: 1st level Engineer

You create Grenades with a long handle which allows you to throw them much further.

Benefit: Double your Range increment for Grenades.

Grenade Feats

Acid Grenade
Prerequisite: Grenade Specialization, 5th level engineer

You pack your grenades with a container of acid. Only one grenade specific feat can be active at one time. You may decide how many of your daily grenades are considered acid.

Benefit: Changes your grenades sonic damage to Acid Damage and  if the target fails it's reflex save it burns for  1d4 + 1 acid damage per round over 2d4 rounds

Cleric's Grenade
Prerequisite: Good Deity, Grenade Specialization, 5th level engineer

You pack your grenades with a piece of a holy symbol of your deity. When detonated this grenade deals it's normal damage (excluding shrapnel damage) as positive energy; healing living creatures and harming undead within a 15 ft radius. Only one grenade specific feat can be active at one time. You may decide how many of your daily grenades are considered Cleric's.

Fire Grenade
Prerequisite: Grenade Specialization, 5th level engineer

You pack your grenades with an explosive flame. Only one grenade specific feat can be active at one time. You may decide how many of your daily grenades are considered fire.

Benefit: Changes your grenades sonic damage to Fire Damage and if the target fails it's reflex save it catches on fire dealing 1d6 + 1 fire damage per round for 1d4 rounds.

Flash-Bang Grenade
Prerequisite: Grenade Specialization, 10th level engineer

You pack your grenades with an alchemy material which explodes in a flash of light which temporarily blinds both friend and foe. Creatures who are light sensitive have the duration doubled.

Benefit: Your grenade deals no damage but cause any creatures who can see the blast and are within 60 ft to become blinded for 2d4 rounds. A successful fortitude save against the grenade's reflex save halves the time blinded. Creatures or Players who close their eyes in preparation are not affected.

Ice Grenade
Prerequisite: Grenade Specialization, 5th level engineer

You pack your grenades with a freezing compound. Only one grenade specific feat can be active at one time. You may decide how many of your daily grenades are considered ice.

Benefit: Changes your grenades sonic damage to Cold Damage and staggers the enemy for 1 round if they fail their reflex save.

Shock Grenade
Prerequisite: Grenade Specialization, 5th level engineer

You pack your grenades with a strong electrical charge. Only one grenade specific feat can be active at one time. You may decide how many of your daily grenades are considered shock.

Benefit: Changes your grenades sonic damage to Electricity Damage and uses a d8 damage dice against targets in metal armor.

Sticky Grenade
Prerequisite: Grenade Specialization, 12th level engineer

You create a grenade which is coated with a sticky tar, by hitting the target's touch AC you negate any reflex save the creature can make but not creatures in adjacent hexes. The engineer may only make an amount of these grenades per day equal to its wisdom modifier. Only one grenade specific feat can be active at one time.

Specialization Feats

Artillery Specialization
Prerequisite: 3rd level engineer

You specialize in your explosive schematics increasing maximum damage dice and unlocking artillery feats. Only one Engineer Specialization Feat may be chosen, once the feat is chosen it can only be undone through retraining.

Benefit: All Mortars, Mines and Flamethrowers deal 1 additional damage of the same type per damage dice and the maximum damage is increased by 5 levels as if under the effect of intensified metamagic.

Martial Specialization
Prerequisite: 3rd level engineer

The engineer prefers to excel at melee combat; this specialization increases her combat prowess and allows the engineer to take fighter specific feats. Only one Engineer Specialization Feat may be chosen, once the feat is chosen it can only be undone through retraining.

Benefit: The engineer gains Armor Training and can move at normal speed in medium armor or clockwork armor, this bonus only applies once and does not increase every 4 levels. The engineer may also take feats which require fighter levels, the engineer's effective fighter level is equal to engineer levels - 4. The engineer may also exchange a engineer specific feat for a combat feat.

Grenade Specialization
Prerequisite: 3rd level engineer

You specialize in use of your grenades increasing the blast radius and unlocking grenade specific feats. Only one Engineer Specialization Feat may be chosen, once the feat is chosen it can only be undone through retraining.

Benefit: The blast radius of your grenades increase to 5 feet (targeted hex plus adjacent hexes) and your throwing range increment increases to 15 feet. This also means your shrapnel reaches 5 feet further.