
Engineer Schematics

Charges: How many uses the contraption has before it requires maintenance.
Duration: How long each charge lasts.

1st level schematics

Clockwork Boar Shield
Charges: NA
Duration: Permanent

You build an intricate shield made from steel plates, springs and gears. When activated this heavy shield is in continuous motion, a large gear shows its teeth as it spins behind the flat ring steel plate which makes up the protective portion of the shield. Inside the hole in the central steel plate is a clockwork boar’s head with large sharp tusks; with a flick of the wrist the wielder may add a gore attack to his shield slams. This heavy steel shield provides a base +2 AC and can be slotted with arcane gems as a heavy shield, the gore attack deals an additional 1d8 damage. This shield suffers the same penalties as a standard heavy steel shield; -2 penalty, 15% arcane spell failure, 15 lbs.

Charges: 2 + 1 per 5 engineer levels
Duration: 1 Round

You build a large gun with a barrel that ends in a small opening and a lit flame about an inch from the end of the barrel. When the trigger is pulled the gun shoots liquid from its reservoir which ignites in a stream of flame. In order to use this weapon you must have both hands available and it takes a full round action to prepare/fire the weapon. The stream is a 5 ft. line 20 ft. long; any creature that is caught in this flame takes 1d4 + 1 fire damage per engineer level (Max 5d4 + 5) and leaves a trail of flames which last for 1 round dealing 1d4 + 1 fire damage to any creatures entering it. Any creatures in the initial effect may make a reflex save for half damage. These flames are not magical, any creatures caught on fire may spend a full round to extinguish the flames.

Charges: NA
Duration: Permanent

You create glasses that provides you with enhanced vision; you gain +4 on perception and knowledge checks as well as Comprehend Languages (as the spell). These glasses cannot be used by non-engineers. The engineer must be trained in a knowledge check to gain the benefit.

Laser Pellet-Gun
Charges: 5 + Engineer Level
Duration: Instantaneous

You create a small pistol with no ammunition, but a battery magazine inserted into the top of it. When fired this gun shoots small balls of force energy taken from the magazine. Each force bullet deals 1d4 + 1 damage and the gun can be fired up to 5 times per round. At 1st level it is limited to 1 shot per round but increases by 1 for every 2 additional engineer levels achieved (3rd,5th, 7th, 9th). You only need one hand free to fire this gun and it takes a standard action to do so. Each charge is one bullet.

Rocket Boots
Charges: 1 per 2 engineer levels
Duration: Instantaneous

You mount black powder rockets to your boots. When activated these rockets have a 5% chance of backfiring causing 2d6 fire damage to anyone within 5 ft. of the user, a successful use increases the speed of the user by 60 ft. for the round. It is a free action to activate these boots and the movement may be used as a charge, overrun or bull rush action, if they backfire you lose the remainder of your turn due to recovery.

Strike Goggles
Charges: 2 + 1 per 5 engineer levels
Duration: Instantaneous

These green tinted goggles outline any weaknesses in an enemy’s defenses; after studying these weaknesses for 1 standard action you gain +8 to attack, +4 to damage and automatically confirm critical hits on your next attack against that target. These glasses cannot be used by non-engineers.

World Enlarging Clockwork Spider
Charges: 1
Duration: 1d4 Rounds

A small clockwork spider wielding a syringe loaded with a special drug can be placed or thrown onto a target. The target must make a fortitude save to resist the effects of the hallucinogen, if he fails the world begins to grow around him until he thinks he is a mere bug in a world of giants. This effect will cause the creature to become frightened and flat-footed for 1d4 rounds. This schematic may be used once for every 5 engineer levels the creator possesses, but the clockwork spider must be retrieved before it can be used again, a lost spider must be rebuilt from scratch.

2nd level schematics

Improved Flame Thrower
Charges: 2 + 1 per 5 engineer levels
Duration: 1 Round

As the level 1 schematic Flame Thrower except the gun is more compact, easier to fire and uses a more potent fuel called unquenchable flame. The stream is a 5 ft. line 40 ft. long; any creature that is caught in this flame takes 1d8 fire damage per 2 engineer levels (Max 5d8) and catches fire for an additional 1d6 fire damage per round for 4 rounds. Any creatures in the effect may make a reflex save for half damage and avoids catching on fire. These flames are not magical and the oil cannot be extinguished unless the target is completely submerged in water. This flame thrower does not leave a trail.

Energy Shield, Lesser
Charges: 1 per 4 engineer levels
Duration: 10 minutes

You craft a custom buckler that seems to be made of glass, when activated it radiates either a green, red, blue or yellow light equal to that of a torch. While active this shield grants the user 25 resist to either Acid (Green), Fire (Red), Cold (Blue) or Electricity (Yellow) damage. A non-engineer may not use this buckler. This shield causes a 5% arcane spell failure and gives no bonus to AC or armor check penalty. This shield can also be implemented into the clockwork shield, but you may not have both a spell shield and energy shield implemented at the same time. The energy type is decided when the shield is activated and may be changed by using a full round action to do so.

Exploding Clockwork Rat
Charges: 1 per 4 engineer levels
Duration: Instantaneous

You craft a bundle of clockwork rats which can be released toward a single target and detonates in a fireball-like explosion. Activating and commanding a single rat to seek out a target is a standard action, once commanded the rat can be destroyed before it reaches its target, if it is destroyed it will not explode and is wasted. The rat has improved evasion, shares the engineer's reflex save, has an AC of 14, 15 HP, hardness of 5 and moves at 30 ft per turn. Detonating is a standard action and causes an explosion that deals 1d6 fire damage per engineer level (Max 10d6) in a 15 ft. radius. Any creatures who notice the rat (perception check equal to DC save) may make a reflex save for half damage. The rat cannot think or take commands after being released; it must move in a straight line to the targeted creature, however, it can alter its course on its own if the target has moved.

Ground Mine
Charges: 1 per 3 engineer levels
Duration: Until Triggered or Disarmed

You craft a set of ground mines; these small metal plates embed into the ground and explode when stepped on. If a creature triggers the mine, it explodes dealing 1d8 damage per 2 engineer levels (max 5d8) to that creature and half damage to adjacent creatures, half of this damage is fire and half is piercing damage. There is no reflex save. 1 charge is equal to 1 mine, once activated requires a disarm trap check equal to the schematic's DC.

Charges: 1
Duration: 10 minutes

You build a large disc, powered by a battery pack and crafted from metal and glass. When activated the disc will project copies of yourself to designated locations, these projections will mimic your movements and fool your enemies. This contraption can be powered for 10 minutes. When active, it produces 1 image for every 2 engineer levels you possess, the images will be placed within 20 ft. of the disc and remain until the disc is destroyed or deactivated. Any damage will destroy the disc. These images are extremely lifelike, treat them as a shadow illusion, and do not disappear when attacked. Creatures may make a will save to disbelieve when a hologram is attacked with no effect; a creature may also make a perception check when the disc is first placed, if the creature is present and can see the action, to realize the source of the hologram.

Tinkered Exoskeleton
Charges: 1 per 4 engineer levels
Duration: 10 Minutes

You craft a robotic exoskeleton; this powerful machinery runs along your arms and legs and meets at a brace along your spine. Using this device increases your ground movement speed by 10 ft and increases your strength/dexterity by 4. This schematic can be integrated into the clockwork armor.

3rd level schematics

Anti-Spell Shield, Lesser
Charges: 1 per 4 engineer levels
Duration: 10 minutes

Like the energy shield, it glows white and negates all spells 3rd level or lower from affecting the engineer.

Clockwork Weapon
Charges: NA
Duration: Permanent

You build an intricate one-handed weapon made from steel plates, springs and gears. On command, move action, this mechanical weapon can form into a battleaxe (Slashing), a warhammer (Bludgeoning) or a heavy pick (Piercing), regardless of the form it deals 1d10 damage with a x3 crit modifier (20 crit range). The engineer is always proficient with this weapon and when taking any weapon specific feats may choose his clockwork weapon which spans all three forms. This weapon may be slotted with arcane gems as a normal one handed weapon would.

Charges: 1
Duration: 10 Minutes

You create a large disc made of metal and glass that is placed on the ground and activated to produce a huge sized dragon of your choice. This dragon moves as a normal dragon would but cannot attack or use a breath weapon; however, this dragon does possess the frightful presence ability which persists until the dragon is discovered to be a false image. The frightful presence effects creatures lower than the engineer's HD + 2, has a radius of 30 ft, causes the target to become frightened for 2d4 rounds and has a DC of a 3rd level schematic.

Mortar Canon
Charges: 2 + 1 per 5 engineer levels
Duration: Instantaneous

You craft a large insulated metallic tube which is used to fire mortar rounds loaded with explosive powder. This shoulder mounted gun requires 2 hands to use; it is a move action to load and a standard action to fire. The range of the weapon is a minimum of 30 ft and maximum of 150 ft., when the round lands it is detonated and creates a 10 ft radius 40 ft tall cylinder of fire and shrapnel. A mortar round deals 1d6 damage per engineer level (max 10d6), half piercing half fire damage. Any creatures in the effect may make a reflex save for half damage. 1 charge is 1 mortar round.

Jet Pack
Charges: 1 per 4 engineer levels
Duration: 10 minutes

You build a backpack which houses 4 rockets and extends to a remote glove control, in order to use this pack you must have your offhand free and cannot be encumbered. Every time you activate this jet pack you have a 5% chance of a backfire which breaks the jetpack, knocks you down and deals 2d6 fire damage. If the jetpack is successfully activated you gain flight speed of 60 ft. (good) for 10 minutes. This schematic may be implemented into the clockwork armor.

Helicopter Mine
Charges: 1 per 3 engineer levels
Duration: Until Triggered or Disarmed

Like the ground mine but hovers 6-30 ft from the ground and is activated when anything passes 10 ft over or under it.

Monocle of Heat Vision
Charges: NA
Duration: Permanent

Like the identi-lense but provides blind sight 60 ft., this does not reveal any hidden creatures who do not produce heat.

4th level schematics

Anti-Spell Shield, Greater
Charges: 1 per 4 engineer levels
Duration: 10 minutes

Like the energy shield, it glows white and negates all spells 5th level or lower from affecting the engineer.

All-Sight Goggles
Charges: NA
Duration: Permanent

Like the identi-lense but provides True Seeing.

Big Bertha
Charges: 2 + 1 per 5 engineer levels
Duration: Instantaneous

As the mortar cannon but mortar rounds have a 20 ft radius and deal d8 instead of d6 damage.

Charges: 1 per 3 engineer levels
Duration: Until Triggered or Disarmed

Like the ground mine but gains greater invisibility.

Clockwork Armor
Charges: NA
Duration: Permanent

You build an intricate suit of armor made from steel plates, springs and gears. The internal parts of this armor are in continuous motion though it is only a visual benefit. You may combine other schematics into this armor as specified in the schematic’s description. This heavy armor provides a base +8 AC (maximum dexterity +2, Armor check penalty -4, 25% arcane spell failure), +1 Deflection AC per 5 Engineer levels and can be slotted with arcane gems as heavy armor. An engineer never suffers reduced movement speed due to Clockwork Armor.

Energy Shield, Greater
Charges: 1 per 4 engineer levels
Duration: 10 minutes

Like the energy shield, but grants immunity to the elemental damage chosen.

Mechanical Dragon Head
Charges: 1 per 4 engineer levels (Requires 4 rounds between uses)
Duration: Instantaneous

You craft a flame-thrower encased in a large metallic dragon-head, when created you must choose a dragon type from the chromatic dragons (Black, Blue, Red, Green, White) and the metallic head must match that color. In order to use this weapon you must have both hands available, it takes a full round action to prepare/fire the weapon and the reservoir runs dry after engineer level / 2 (Min 1) rounds of use. This effect is a 60 ft cone which produces elemental damage that matches the dragon type; it deals 1d8 damage per engineer level (Max 10d8) and can be halved with a successful reflex save.