
Artificer Innovations

Advanced Trapsmith (Ex)
The artificer can learn one of the following advanced traps in place of one of a ranger trap: arrow trap (6th), bear traps (12) (6th), collapsing bridge trap (10th), javelin trap (8th), punji stake trap (6th), rigged rope bridge (8th), spiked snare traps (6th), spring-loaded panel (8th). The artificer must meet the level requirements of the trap he chooses (in parentheses). An artificer must be at least 6th level and have the trapsmith innovation.

Careful Disarm (Ex)
Whenever an artificer attempts to disarm a trap using Disable Device, he does not spring the trap unless he fails by 10 or more. If he does set off a trap he was attempting to disarm, he adds his trapfinding bonus to avoid the trap. An artificer must be at least 6th level before selecting this innovation.

Cunning Trigger (Ex)
The artificer with this innovation can use a swift action to set off any trap within 30 feet that he constructed. An artificer must have the trapsmith innovation before selecting this innovation.

Devices Expert (Ex)
The artificer’s knowledge of machines and gadgetry allows him to more easily activate magical devices. He gains a +5 competence bonus on all Use Magical Device checks. If the device has gears, moving parts, or is mechanical in nature, this bonus increases to +10. An artificer must be at least 6th level before selecting innovation.

Explosives Expert (Ex)
The artificer learns to use explosives and similar devices to great effect. Whenever the artificer uses a bomb or item that deals damage in a radius, he adds +2 to the DC for any Reflex saves made against the effect. In addition he adds his Intelligence modifier as a competence bonus to any damage dealt by the effect. An artificer must be at least 8th level before selecting this innovation.

Eye for Danger (Ex)
An artificer is accustomed to the sudden and often explosive hazards of operating mechanical devices. As such, he is always wary of any sudden and often lethal hazards. The artificer gains a +2 luck bonus on Reflex saves and initiative rolls.

Fast Picks (Ex)
The artificer with this innovation can use the Disable Device skill to attempt to open a lock as a standard action instead of a full-round action.

Fire Bomb (Ex)
By spending 2 minutes of work, the artifice can create a smoke bomb that deals 2d6 points of fire damage. Those caught in the splash damage can attempt a Reflex save for half damage. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the artificer’s level + the artificer’s Intelligence modifier. This innovation can be selected multiple times. Its effects stack up to a maximum of 6d6 points of fire damage. This innovation can chosen once at 6th, 12th, and 18th level. An artificer must be at least 6th level and have the smoke bomb innovation before selecting this innovation.

Flash Bomb (Ex)
By spending 2 minutes of work, the artificer can create a smoke bomb that detonates very brightly. Creatures that take a direct hit from a flash bomb are blinded for 1 minute unless they succeed at a Fortitude save. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the artificer’s level + the artificer’s Intelligence modifier. Creatures in the splash area that fail their saves against the bomb are dazzled for 1 minute. This is a light effect. If the artificer has the fire bomb innovation, he can also combine a flash bomb with a fire bomb by spending 3 minutes of work. An artificer must be at least 8th level and have the smoke bomb innovation before selecting this innovation.

Frugal Trapsmith (Ex)
When an artificer with this innovation constructs a mechanical trap, he only pays 75% of the normal cost. An artificer must be at least 8th level and have the trapsmith innovation before selecting this innovation.

Grapple Launcher (Ex)
The artificer has learned to alter a firearm to fire a grappling hook. By adding a special set of rails, the wielder can slide a grappling hook over the barrel of a firearm and fire it as a full-round action. The grappling hook anchors into anything the wielder successfully hits with an attack roll, and the DC of the Strength check required to pull the grappling hook loose is equal to wielder’s attack roll to lodge it in place. A Disable Device check can remove it with a +5 bonus on the check, and a creature struck by the hook can escape it with a combat maneuver check or Escape Artist check with a +5 bonus on the check. The firearm is powerful enough to fire a hook trailing up to 100 feet of rope, but throws off the balance of the wielder's firearm, reducing its range increment by 50%. Adding a grapple launcher to a firearm requires 1 day of work. An artificer must be at least 4th level and have the Gunsmith innovation to select this innovation.

Greater Gearworks (Su)
By spending 10 minutes of work instead of a full-round action, an artificer’s gearworks object now persists for 10 minutes per artificer level. An artificer must be at least 10th level and have the improved gearworks innovation before selecting this innovation.

Gunsmith (Ex)
The artificer gains the Gunsmithing feat, but uses his chosen Craft or Profession skill in place of Craft (alchemy) for any firearm Craft checks.

Hardening Technique (Ex)
The artificer learns special techniques to increase the durability of any item he creates. Any mundane item, gadget, or magic item the artificer creates gains an additional 5 hit points.

Improved Gearworks (Su)
By spending 1 minute of work instead of a full-round action, an artificer’s gearworks object now persists for 1 minute per artificer level. An artificer must be at least 6th level before selecting this innovation.

Infused Artifice (Su)
When the artificer creates or enhances an item using his masterworks, arcane artifice, and/or transformative artifice innovations, he can infuse it with an extra bit of his own artifice power. The item created now persists even after the artificer sets it down. As long as the artifice item exists, it continues to occupy one of the artificer’s magical item slots. If the item does not occupy a slot, he can only have one item of that type in existence at a time. An infused artificer item can be used by a non-artificer to gain its effects.

Master Constructor (Ex)
The artificer gains Craft Construct as a bonus feat. He also adds Craft Construct to the list of feats affected by the Master Craftsman feat, and can count his ranks in his chosen skill as his caster level for the purposes of qualifying for the Craft Construct feat. An artificer must be at least 8th level before selecting this innovation.

Meta Gadgetry (Ex)
The artificer has learned new techniques to make his gadgets more effective. He chooses one of the following metamagic feats: Burning Spell, Concussive Spell, Elemental Spell, Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Flaring Spell, Focused Spell, Intensified Spell, Lingering Spell, Maximize Spell, Persistent Spell, Reach Spell, Rime Spell, and Widen Spell. The artificer can apply the effects of this feat to his gadgets as if they were spell. The gadget must meet the same requirements as the spell that the feat is normally applied to. This innovation can be selected multiple times. Each time the artificer chooses a different metamagic feat.

Quick Disable (Ex)
Whenever an artificer uses the Disable Device skill to disable a trap, it takes him half the normal amount of time (minimum 1 round).

Quick Trapsmith (Ex)
As a full-round action, an artificer with this innovation can set a simple trap with a CR no greater than 1/2 his artificer level. To do this, he must purchase the components, spend the required time constructing the trap in advance, and have its components at hand. The artificer can only construct traps that he knows in this way, and is subject to the GM’s discretion. The artificer must have the trapsmith innovation before selecting this innovation.

Reliable Gunsmithing (Ex)
By spending 1 minute of work, an artificer can reduce the misfire value of a single firearm by 1 (minimum 0) for 10 minutes. This reduction occurs after any increases are calculated for firing with the broken condition, or for any other effect that might increase the misfire value of a firearm. The artificer must be at least 4th level and have the gunsmith innovation before selecting this innovation.

Remote Bomb (Ex)
By spending 1 additional minute of work, an artificer can attach a remote detonator to any bomb he creates. This allows the artificer to detonate the bomb at any time, as long as he is within 60 feet of the bomb. A remote bomb detonates immediately if any other creature attempts to touch or move it, or if the bomb’s contents are removed. The bomb deals damage as if it scored a direct hit to any creature in the square with the bomb when it detonates, and splash damage to all adjacent creatures as normal. An artificer cannot have more than one remote bomb at one time. If he creates another remote bomb, the previous bomb can no longer be detonated remotely, and immediately becomes a normal bomb of its type. A successful Disable Device check (DC equals 10 + the artificer’s level + the artificer’s Intelligence modifier) can neutralize a remote bomb. An artificer must be at least 8th level before selecting this innovation.

Ruinous Touch (Su)
An artificer has learned to harm objects instead of healing them. As a swift action, whenever an artificer uses his crafter’s touch ability, he can choose to deal damage against objects or heal them. An artificer must be at least 10th level before selecting this innovation.

Salvage Item (Ex)
An artificer has learned to salvage the gp value from an artifice device or magical item and put it towards the value of creating another artifice device or magical item. The artificer must spend 1 day of work with the item and have the appropriate Item Creation Feat to salvage the item. After 1 day, the device or item is destroyed and the artificer gains 1/2 the item’s gp value of the artifice device or magical item to add towards the cost of any new artifice device or magical item he immediately begins to create. This value cannot be spent as gold, and may only be used towards the creation of another artifice device or magical item. The artificer must be at least 4th level to select this innovation.

Scrap Bomb (Ex)
By spending 3 minutes of work, an artificer can create a fire bomb that explodes into shards of broken gears and scrap metal that deal piercing damage. A creature that takes a direct hit from a scrap bomb takes 1d4 points of bleed damage per die of bomb damage unless it succeeds at a Reflex save, in addition to any fire damage. An artificer must be at least 8th level and have the fire bomb innovation before selecting this innovation.

Share Gadget (Ex)
The artificer can alter one of his gadgets he has already built to work for another person. The artificer designates, using a standard action, one other character and one of the gadgets that he possesses. That character can now operate the gadget as if they were the artificer utilizing all of the artificer's relevant bonuses. The gadget works for the designated person for a number of hours equal to the artificer’s level. If the artificer is unable to designate a new person, the gadget becomes inert until the artificer returns it to his possession or is able to designate a new user. An artificer must be at least 8th level before selecting this innovation.

Skill Mastery (Ex)
The artificer becomes so confident in the use of certain skills that he can use them reliably even under adverse conditions. Upon gaining this innovation, he selects a number of skills equal to her Intelligence modifier. When making a skill check with one of these skills, he may take 10 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent her from doing so. An artificer may gain this innovation multiple times, selecting additional skills for skill mastery to apply to each time. An artificer must be at least 10th level before selecting this innovation.

Smoke Bomb (Ex)
By spending 1 minute of work, the artificer can craft a smoke bomb that creates a cloud of smoke with a 15-foot radius when thrown. This acts like the smoke from a smokestick. The artificer can center this smoke on himself, or throw the bomb as a ranged touch attack with a range of 20 feet. Throwing a smoke bomb is a standard action. An artificer can create a number of smoke bombs per day equal to his Intelligence modifier. Each use of this innovation expends 1 artifice point.

Steadfast Gunsmithing (Ex)
By spending 1 minute of work, an artificer reduce the misfire value of a single firearm by 4 (minimum 0) for 10 minutes. This reduction occurs after any increases are calculated for firing with the broken condition, or for any other effect that might increase the misfire value of a firearm. The artificer must be at least 10th level and have the reliable gunsmithing innovation before selecting this innovation.

Strange Magic (Ex)
The artificer has learned to employ magical items in a different manner than for which it was intended. If he so chooses, the artificer can wear an item that occupies one item slot in an entirely different slot and still gain the effect as if he were wearing the item normally. For example, an artificer could wear a neck slot item in a feet slot. This only applies to items that occupy the belt, feet, hands, headband, neck, ring, or wrist categories. The artificer may wear only one item in this way at a time. An artificer must be at least 6th level before selecting this innovation.

Trap Mastery (Ex)
Whenever an artificer disarms a trap using Disable Device, he can bypass it even if his check did not exceed the DC by 10 or more. If it is a magic trap that allows specific creatures to pass it without danger, he can modify which creatures it allows to pass, adding his allies and restricting enemies if he desires. An artificer must be at least 10th level and have the careful disarm innovation before selecting this innovation.

Trap Spotter (Ex)
Whenever an artificer comes within 10 feet of a trap, he receives an immediate Perception skill check to notice the trap. This check should be made in secret by the GM.

Trapsmith (Ex)
The artificer learns how to create a snare trap and one other extraordinary (not supernatural) ranger trap of her choice (see Trapper archetype in Ultimate Magic). The artificer can use these traps a total number of times per day equal his Intelligence modifier. Once a trap is learned, it can’t be unlearned and replaced with a different type of trap. The artificer cannot select an individual trap more than once. This innovation may be selected multiple times, but each time the artificer learns a new trap. An artificer must be at least 4th level before selecting this innovation.

Undetected Sabotage (Ex)
Whenever an artificer uses Disable Device to sabotage or disable a device, he can make a Sleight of Hand check with a bonus equal to his level. Anyone who inspects the device does not notice the sabotage and assumes the object works unless he beats the artificer’s check with an opposed Perception skill check.

Vial Launcher (Ex)
The artificer has learned to add a special tube onto a firearm that can hold 1 vial of alchemical material, such as alchemist's fire, a tanglefoot bag, or a thunderstone. A special trigger allows the wielder to channel the force of black powder into this tube to launch the vial as a ranged attack with half the range increment of the firearm. The wielder can take this action in place of any single ranged attack, and may use the same attack bonus that she can apply to the firearm. If the alchemical substance has a save DC, it becomes 10 + 1/2 the artificer’s level + the artificer’s Intelligence modifier when the wielder launches the vial from the firearm. This increase only applies to the initial saving throw. If additional saving throws are called for, they are resolved as normal. Reloading the tube is a time-consuming process and requires two full-round actions. If the weapon misfires while loaded with an alchemical substance, it detonates with the wielder (and the firearm) as the target. Adding a vial launcher to a firearm requires 1 day of work. An artificer must be at least 4th level and have the Gunsmith innovation to select this innovation.

Weird Science (Ex)
By spending 1 minute of work, an artificer can alter a charged magical item so that it creates a different effect one time. This new effect must be of equal power level (such as a spell effect) and one that a similar item can create. For example, if an artificer uses weird science on a wand of fireball (a 3rd level spell), he can alter the wand to function as a wand of suggestion (also a 3rd level spell). The artificer must spend an additional 1 minute of work before he can create another effect with the same item. A new effect expends the same number of charges as the original effect as normal. The artificer can use this innovation a number of times per day equal to his Intelligence modifier. An artificer must be at least 10th level before selecting this innovation.