
Gearworks Machine

The artificer's gearworks machine may take one of four forms which provides it with the tools it need for its primary function. Each gearworks machine has a duration of time it may be active, after this time the machine must recharge completely before activating again. Activating or deactivating the gearworks machine is as easy as pressing a button on the machine, this is a free action; but for gearworks machines which transform it takes 1 full round (6 seconds) to expand into its functional form. Each gearworks machine is accompanied by a magical handheld device which completely controls it and provides unique features depending on the function chosen. This handheld device is like a wand, it must be retrieved and held to manipulate the gearworks machine (unless the machine has been pre-programmed with specific orders to follow).

Common Gearwork Attributes
All Gearwork Machines have the following Attributes...

Hit Dice: d10
*The Gearworks Machine has hit dice equal to the Artificer's Hit Dice - 3
*The Gearworks Machine does not have a constitution score and gains 10 bonus hit points total

All Gearwork Machines gain Improved Evasion at 4th level.

It takes a free action to activate the device, it takes the device one full round action to fully activate. This time is not counted against the duration.

Electricity has a 25% chance to deactivate a gearworks machine and deals 150% damage.

Skill Focus
Where noted the Gearworks machine gains skill ranks equal to it's hit dice in the specific skills and a + 4 bonus in each.

The gearwork machines have a power cell which allows for 1 minute of active use per artificer level, except for the gearwork scout which is 10 minutes per artificer level. For each minute or fraction thereof (10 minutes for the gearwork scout) the gearwork machine is active it requires 30 minutes to recharge it's power cell to full capacity. These minutes are always rounded up, that is anything over 1 minute is considered a 2 minute use. A gearworks machine must have a full charge in order to be activated.

Example: A gearwork turret is deployed for a combat which lasts for 1 minute and 12 seconds (12 rounds), after it is deactivated it must recharge for 1 hour before it can be activated again.

The gearwork rifle has it's own special duration, please refer to the entry below.

Whenever a gearworks machine reaches 0 HP it reverts to it's inert sphere form and must be healed and recharged before being activated again; if the gearworks machine ever reaches -10 HP it is destroyed and must be rebuilt over 3 full days.

Gearwork Scout
The gearwork scout remains in the form of it's 1 ft sphere but, when activated, may fly (as the spell) and comes with a special cloaking device. The artificer may control this gearworks machine through his handheld device and may see what it sees on a magical screen projected from the handheld device (this works like the artificer were scrying through the machine). The Gearwork Scout may not transmit sound and deactivates (powers down and falls to the ground) if it travels further than 100 ft + 10 ft per artificer level away from its master.

Range: 100 ft + 10 ft per Artificer Level
Special Abilities: Hover Unit (Fly), Cloaking Device (Invisibility)
Special Attributes: Construct TraitsHardness 15
Movement Speed: 60 ft Flight (Good)
Skill Focus: Perception, Stealth, Fly
Saves: Shared with the Artificer; Bonus of +4 Reflex, +2 Will
Statitsics: STR 10; DEX 20; CON --; INT --; WIS 10; CHA 10;
Armor Class: AC 19; Touch 16; Flat-Foot 14; +5 Dexterity, +1 Size, +3 Armor
BAB: Shared with the Artificer
CMD: 10 + BaB + 0 (STR) + 5 (DEX)

Bonus Armor Class
The Gearworks machine gains +1 Additional Dodge Armor Class for every 3 Artificer Levels

Hover Unit (Fly)
As the spell Fly, this persists as long as the unit is active.

Cloaking Device (Invisibility)
As the spell Invisibility, this lasts for 1 minute per artificer level but may be used 3 times per activation.

Heat Vision
At 8th level the recorder on the Gearwork Scout, which transmits images to the artificer's handheld device, can switch between normal vision and heat vision. Heat vision sees the heat spectrum and can reveal any hidden or invisible creatures who would normally give off heat/cold.

Sound Transmitter
At 12th level the Recorder on the Gearwork Scout, which transmits images to the artificer's handheld device, may also transmit sound. Normal conversations can only be heard well within 10 ft, outside of 10 ft the conversation is jumbled and muffled.

Reverse Force Shield
At 16th level the Gearwork Scout gains a Reverse Force Shield which is active until destroyed or dispelled. This sphere is only slightly larger than the gearwork scout and does not get larger for additional caster levels.

Turret Gearwork
The turret gearwork, when activated, levitates into the air and follows the Artificer as if on a leash; an iris spins away to reveal a glowing red eye and a panel on the bottom of the turret gearwork extends to reveal a small gun barrel. The Turret Gearwork will always stay in an adjacent square or may share the same square as the artificer if it so chooses. The handheld controller allows the artificer to select a target for the Turret Gearwork, once the target is set the turret gearwork attacks that target until it dies, if no target is set then the turret gearwork attacks the nearest threatening creature. Specifying a target requires manipulation of the targeting system via the handheld controller, this requires the artificer to use a move action to complete.

Range: 5 ft.
Special Abilities: Hover Unit (Levitate), Energy Ray
Special Attributes: Construct TraitsHardness 15
Movement Speed: 5 ft
Skill Focus: PerceptionFly
Saves: Shared with the artificer; bonus of +2 Reflex, +2 Will
Statitsics: STR 10; DEX 18; CON --; INT --; WIS 10; CHA 10;
Armor Class: AC 18; Touch 15; Flat-Foot 14; +4 Dexterity, +1 Size, +3 Armor
BAB: Equal to it's hit dice
CMD: 10 + BaB + 0 (STR) + 4 (DEX)

Bonus Armor Class
The Gearworks machine gains +1 Additional Dodge Armor Class for every 3 Artificer Levels

Hover Unit
As the spell levitate except it retains a speed of 5 ft horizontal and cannot move up or down; this persists as long as the unit is active.

Energy Ray
The Turret Gearwork may shoot an energy ray from it's gun, this energy ray requires a successful ranged touch attack and deals 1d6 damage for every 2 Artificer Levels (Max 5d6). The energy ray has a range increment of 40 ft. and deals energy damage; energy damage is not elemental, bypasses spell resistance and bypasses damage reduction.

The energy ray's power usage creates an abnormal amount of heat in it's power cell, this may cause the gearwork machine to overheat and be forced to shut down to avoid permanent damage. Every shot of the energy ray increases the heat threshold by 20%, if the heat threshold ever hits 100% the gearwork turret is forced to shut down. The gearwork turret may spend a standard action to cool it's power cell, this reduces the heat threshold by 10%.

Shutting Down due to Heat
If the gearwork turret ever reaches 100% heat threshold it immediately shuts down (powers down and falls to the ground in it's original inert form). Since the machine is not active it cannot use a standard action to cool itself, without it's coolant circulating it takes 1 minute to cool 5% of its heat and cannot be reactivated until it's at 50% of its heat threshold. The power cells of the machine cannot be charged while inactive and above 50% heat threshold.

Energy Ray Focus
At 8th level the Turret Gearwork's targeting system becomes far more advanced, it gains +1 to attack rolls with it's energy ray for every 3 artificer levels.

Increased Power
At 12th level the Artificer has found a way to empower it's gearwork machine's energy ray, it now deals +2 damage for every artificer level above 12th (max 5d6 + 18)

Efficient Ray
At 16th level the Turrent Gearwork uses it's energy consumption more efficiently and only increases the heat threshold by 10% per shot.

Gearwork Suit
The Gearwork Suit, when activated, expands in a flurry of whirling gears and plates to become a chest piece of clockwork armor which surrounds and replaces any body armor she is currently wearing. This armor grants the artificer the following bonuses and additional bonuses as she gains levels. At the end of the duration the Gearwork Suit reverts to its orb form.

Range: Personal
Special Abilities: Clockwork Fortification, Force Shield, Combat Stimulant
CMD: +4 to CMD
Weakness: Electricity Deals 150% damage to armor and artificer when active; Cannot use gadgets while the suit is active

Armor Class
The Gearwork Suit has a base armor class of 8 + 1 Enhancement bonus per 4 Artificer levels
Armor Penalty of 4
Maximum Dexterity Bonus of 3
*The Base 8 Armor Class replaces your current armor's armor class.

Clockwork Fortification
Provides the artificer with Fortification (Light), this upgrades to Fortification (Moderate) at 10th level.

Force Shield
Provides a force shield that surrounds the Artificer, this shield absorbs the first 10 points of damage from all attacks and damage. Once this shield has absorbed an amount of damage equal to the Gearwork Suit's Hit Points it is disabled and no longer absorbs additional damage. When the shield is destroyed the Gearwork Suit is left with 1 Hit Point, this damage must be healed or else the shield will not function during the next activation.

Combat Stimulant
The Gearwork Suit, whenever it activates, injects a serum of muscle stimulants into the artificer's body granting her +1 Base Attack Bonus for every 2 Artificer Levels while the suit remains active. This ability grants additional iterative attacks as if gained through class levels.

Muscle Stimulant
At 8th level the Gearwork Suit, whenever it activates, injects a serum of muscle stimulants into the artificer's body granting her +4 Strength and Dexterity while the suit remains active.

Jet Pack
At 12th level the Gearwork Suit comes with a jetpack which grants the artificer flight (as the spell Fly) while the suit remains active.

Power Stimulant
At 16th level the Gearwork Suit, whenever it activates, injects a serum of stimulants into the artificer's body granting her increased energy and awareness; she gains +10 Perception, +4 Reflex Save, +2 Will Save and the effects of Haste while the suit remains active. The artificer becomes fatigued after the stimulant wears off.

Gearwork Rifle
The gearwork rifle, when activated, expands from it's sphere form into a mechanical rifle with a shortened muzzle. This rifle is an energy based weapon, attacks the touch AC of it's target and is powered by special power cells. Choosing this Gearwork machine requires that the artificer have the Gunsmith Innovation.

Critical: 20; x2
Misfire: 1
*On a natural 1 attack roll the gearwork rifle is mishandled and the current energy cell overheats causing the gun to seize for 3 rounds.
Range: Personal
Special Abilities: Energy Bolt, Arcane Scope
Special Attributes: Hardness 15

Hit Points
The Gearwork machine gains 5 Hit Points per hit dice.

Saves and Damage
The Rifle is considered an object, it follows any rules which a normal rifle would incur when it comes to Damage and Saving throws.

Unlike the other Gearwork Machines the Gearwork Rifle may be activated or deactivated whenever the artificer desires, it has no limit to duration once in activated form but still returns to its sphere state if it's HP reaches 0.

Charging Unit
Instead of a handheld device the Gearwork Rifle has a charging unit which allows him to recharge one power cell at a time, it takes 10 minutes to gain back 1 of the 3 charges of a power cell. It is a swift action to place a power cell into the charging unit and/or to take one out. It is a move action to remove a power cell and place another power cell into the charging unit. The charging unit is stored in the butt of the rifle.

Power Cells
The Artificer has a number of power cells equal to half the Gearwork Rifles Hit Dice (Minimum 1, maximum 8), each cell has 3 charges which can be spent on it's special abilities. Once a power cell reaches 0 charges it must be expelled from the rifle and recharged to full before it can be used again. Replacing a used power cell requires a move or standard action.

Energy Bolt
The main function of the gearwork rifle is to fire energy bolts to deal damage to enemies. This energy bolt deals 1d10 + 1 energy damage at 4th level and an additional 1d10 + 1 at 8th, 12th, 16th and 20th levels (max 5d10 + 5). This energy bolt has a range increment of 20 feet and resolves attacks against the enemy touch armor class. Firing an energy bolt is a standard action.

Arcane Scope
The gearwork rifle has an advanced scope created from arcane energies. By carefully aiming through this scope the artificer may greatly increase accuracy and deal more damage with the energy bolt ability. This carefully aimed energy bolt ignores soft cover, increases the attack of the bolt by 1 and the damage of the bolt by 2 per damage dice of the energy bolt. Aiming through the arcane scope requires a move action, this action grants any adjacent units an attack of opportunity and any damage will interrupt the aiming action.

**4th level = +1 Attack +2 Damage; 8th level = +2 Attack +4 Damage; 12th level = +3 attack +6 damage; 16th level = +4 attack +8 damage; 20th level = +5 attack +10 damage**

Energy Beam
At 8th level the artificer may unleash a 5 foot wide 40 foot long beam of energy dealing the same damage as his energy bolt to all targets in the effect. The artificer must roll to hit the touch armor class for all targets. This ability uses 3 charges of a power cell. This ability will damage both foe and ally.

Arcane Grenade
At 12th level the artificer may fire a ball of energy which flies in an arc and explodes when it lands, this explosion deals 1d6 damage per artificer level (max 10d6) and has a 15 foot radius. This projectile is extremely difficult to aim and the arcane scope cannot be applied, arcane grenade has a range of 20 feet but suffers a range increment for every 5 feet after 20. Creatures get a reflex save to take half damage equal to 14 + 1/2 Artificer Level - Range increments. This ability uses 3 charges of a power cell.

Improved Power Cells
At 16th level the power cells produced by the artificer contain 5 charges instead of 3.