
Artificer Theories

Masterworks (Ex)
At 1st level, as long as an artificer has at least 1 artifice point, any non-masterwork item he holds, wields, or wears is treated as its masterwork equivalent. This effect immediately ends if the artificer is no longer in contact with the item.

Alternatively, an artificer can spend 1 artificer point to transform any non-masterwork item he touches (including an ally’s) into its masterwork equivalent for 1 minute. If the object has no masterwork equivalent, this theory has no effect. An artificer can affect only one object from each of the following artifice categories at a time: armor/shields, chains/manacles, clothing/outfits, kits/instruments/tools, locks, or weapons. If the artificer affects another object of the same category, only the current object is considered to be of masterwork quality, while the previous object is again a non-masterwork item. Only one item from each category can be considered to be of masterwork quality at one time. Up to 50 pieces of ammunition can be affected by this theory, and are counted as one item form the weapon category. If he uses this theory again with an object from the same category, the first object is immediately treated as a non-masterwork item. Items affected by this theory also count as masterwork items of their type for the purpose of Craft Magical Arms and Armor and any other item creation feats that require a masterwork item.

At 3rd level, an artificer can spend 1 artifice point to improve his masterwork items and the benefits they bestow for 1 minute. At 8th level and every five levels thereafter, an artificer can improve these benefits by an additional equivalent value. Any increase to the benefits of these items do not stack with benefits granted by a magical version of the item, such as the magical enhancement bonuses of magical armor or weapons, but they can supersede them, though they are not considered magical for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction. For example, an 18th level artificer could increase the masterwork enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls of a +3 longsword to +5, though it would only be considered a +3 longsword for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction.

The type of improvement is determined by the type of masterwork item as follows.
• Armor/Shields: The artificer can decrease the armor check penalty of a suit of armor by 1 (minimum 0) at each interval, to a maximum of 5 at 18th level.
• Chains/Manacles: The artificer can increase the DC of the Strength check to break the object by 2 at each interval, to a maximum total of 10 at 18th level.
• Clothing/Outfits: The artificer can increase the numerical base value of the item’s bonus (whether circumstance bonuses, saves, resistances or skill checks) by the same value at each interval, to a maximum of 10 (or +10) at 18th level.
• Kits/Musical Instruments/Tools: The artificer can increase the associated skill check’s bonus by +2 at each interval, up to a maximum total of +10 at 18th level
• Locks: The artificer can increase the DC of the Disable Device check by 5 at each interval, to a maximum of 20 at 18th level. For example, an artificer of 18th level or higher could improve the DC check of a superior lock to 60 when using this theory.
• Weapons: The artificer can increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls by +1 at each interval, to a maximum of +5 at 18th level. Up to 50 pieces of ammunition can be affected by this theory, and are counted as one weapon.

Modify Object (Su)
At 1st level, an artificer can spend 1 artifice point to alter the physical qualities of a single object. The following modifications can be applied to any one object that the artificer comes in contact with, but the artificer must declare the modification he is using before the theory is performed.

• Break: The artificer can break any one Small or smaller object with a touch. The artificer must make a touch attack to deliver the effect. If the target fails its Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 the artificer’s level + the artificer’s Intelligence modifier), it gains the broken condition. If this theory is used on a broken item, the item is destroyed on a failed save. At 3rd level, by spending 1 artifice point, an artificer can break any one Medium or smaller object. At 7th level, an artificer can spend a number of artifice points to break any one object of each subsequent size category above Medium as follows: Large (2 artifice points), Huge (3 artifice points), Gargantuan (4 artifice points), or Colossal (5 artifice points). If the object is a construct, the artificer requires twice the indicated number of artifice points.

• Lighten: The artificer can decrease the weight of any one Small object or smaller by half for 1 minute per artifice level. If used on armor, it improves the armor check penalty by 1, though it does not change the armor’s categorization as light, medium, or heavy. At 3rd level, by spending 1 artifice point, an artificer can lighten any one Medium or smaller object. At 7th level, the artificer can spend a number of artifice points to lighten any one object of each subsequent size category above Medium as follows: Large (2 artifice points), Huge (3 artifice points), Gargantuan (4 artifice points), or Colossal (5 artifice points). If the object is a construct, the artificer requires twice the indicated number of artifice points.

• Fragile: the artificer can cause an object to become less study and resilient to the rigors of travel and combat. By making a touch attack, the artificer can bestow any armor, shield, tool, or weapon with the fragile quality for 1 minute per artificer level. A fragile object gains the broken condition if the user rolls a natural 1 on an attack roll (weapon) or skill check (tools) with the object, or if a critical hit is confirmed against the object (armor or shield). If a fragile object is already broken, the roll of a natural 1 or critical hit destroys it instead. A masterwork or magical object of the listed types cannot be affected by this theory. The broken condition can be removed through the appropriate feats or abilities. The object is otherwise considered to have the fragile quality until the theory ends.

Quick Study (Ex)
At 1st level, an artificer can spend 1 artifice point to take 10 on any single Appraise, Craft, Disable Device, or Use Magical Item skill check, even if he can’t normally take 10 on the check.

Arcane Artifice (Su)
At 3rd level, an artificer can expend 1 point from his artifice pool as a swift action to grant any weapon or armor he is holding or wearing a +1 enchantment bonus for 1 minute. At 7th level, the artificer may increase the enhancement bonus to +2 or add the impervious, keen, neutralizing, quenching, or thawing weapon properties, or the balanced, fortification (light), grinding, impervious, or staunching armor properties. These bonuses can be added to the weapon or armor, stacking with existing weapon and armor enhancements to a maximum of +5. Multiple uses of this theory do not stack with themselves.

Fortify (Su)
At 3rd level, an artificer can spend 1 artifice point to increase the hardness and hit points of any object he touches (including an artifice item, gadget, or his gearworks machine) by an amount equal to his artificer level. These benefits last until the hit points are expended or until 24 hours have passed. Multiple uses of this theory overlap and do not stack.

Gearworks (Su)
At 3rd level, an artificer can spend 1 artifice point to imbue a single inanimate object with mobility and a semblance of life. As a full action round, an artificer can add gears and moving parts to one Small or smaller object (including any bombs, see Theories), allowing it to function as the animate object spell for 1 round per artificer level. An artificer may spend additional artifice points to animate objects of Medium or larger size as follows: a Medium object requires 2 artifice points, a Large object requires 3 artifice points, a Huge object requires 4 artifice points, a Gargantuan object requires 5 artifice points, and a Colossal object requires 6 artifice points to animate. The artificer cannot affect an object carried or worn by a creature. An artificer can improve the duration of a gearworks object through selected innovations.

Deadly Mein (Ex)
At 7th level, an artificer can spend 1 artifice point to enhance the basic properties of a weapon for 1 minute. An artificer can enhance a single weapon in one of the following ways.

• Critical Multiplier: The artificer can increase the critical multiplier of a single weapon by 1.

• Damage: The artificer can increase the damage die of a single weapon as if it were 1 size category larger. This does not alter the actual size of the weapon. For example, an artificer can increase the damage of a longsword from 1d8 to 1d10.

• Range: The artificer can increase the range increment of a single ranged weapon by +10 feet.

• Threat Range: The artificer can increase the threat range of a single weapon by 1.

Multiple uses of the same benefits do not stack.

Transformative Artifice (Su)
At 7th level, an artificer can subtly change the physical properties of a single object so as to function as a completely different material. An artificer can spend a number of artifice points to change an object’s construction material into one of the following special materials: adamantine (3 points), cold iron (1 point), darkwood (1 point), living steel (2 points), mithral (2 points), or silver (1 point). Up to 50 pieces of ammunition can be affected by this theory, and are counted as one weapon. This transformation lasts for 1 minute.

Concealed Gadgetry (Su)
At 11th level, as long as an artificer has at least 1 artificer point, he can cause a single mundane item or magical object to transform into a small, geometric, modular device and back again. On command, the object collapses in upon itself in a whirring clatter of tiny shifting plates until it becomes a 3-inch cube, cylinder, or sphere of the same material. The same command word restores the object to its normal shape and size. While the object is thus affected, it continues to occupy 1 point from the artificer’s artifice pool. If the object occupies a magical item slot, then the slot must be unoccupied for the object to be restored. This theory lasts for 1 day per artificer level, while restoring the object to its normal shape and size immediately ends the theory. The number of objects that the artificer can affect with this theory is equal to his Intelligence modifier, but cannot exceed the number of artifice points he has remaining.

Reciprocal Activation (Ex)
At 11th level, whenever an artificer uses a magical item with charges, he can spend 1 artifice point to activate the item without expending a charge from the items total charges. If the item requires more than one charge to activate a specific power, the artificer can reduce this expenditure of charges to a minimum of 0 by spending an equal number of artifice points, up to the maximum number of charges required to activate the power.

Reshape Matter (Su)
At 15th level, an artificer can spend 1 artifice point to reshape up to 10 cubic feet of material of one sort into a product that is of the same material. Creatures or magic items cannot be created or transmuted by this theory. The quality of items made by this theory is commensurate with the quality of material used as the basis for the new object. If the artificer works with a mineral, the target is reduced to 1 cubic foot per level instead of 10 cubic feet per level. The artificer must make an appropriate Craft check to create articles requiring a high degree of craftsmanship. The reshaping process requires 1 round per 10 cubic feet of material to be affected.

Conduit (Su)
At 15th level, as long as an artificer has at least 1 artificer point, he can spend a swift action to transfer 3d6 hit points between himself and his gearworks machine, either taking damage himself and healing his gearworks machine or healing himself and damaging his gearworks machine. The gearworks machine must be within 50 feet of the artificer for this theory to function.

Dual Artifice (Su)
At 15th level, whenever the artificer creates an artifice item, he can spend 1 artifice point so that it persists on its own and is not rendered inert if the artificer creates another artifice item from the same category. This allows an artificer to create different types of artifice items and keep them handy for emergencies. This does not allow an artificer to gain the effects of multiple artifice items—only the most recently activated, held, or worn item has any effect. An artificer can have two of the same type of item when using this theory.

Call Machine (Su)
At 19th level, an artificer can spend 3 artifice points to instantly summon his gearworks machine to his side from any location. This functions as instant summons, but the machine must be on the same plane as the artificer.

Enduring Artifice (Su)
At 19th level, when an artificer creates or enhances an item using his masterworks, arcane artifice, and/or transformative artifice theories, he can spend 1 hour of work and all his remaining artifice points to make the theories’ effects permanent. The item now functions in all ways as a magical item and persists even after the artificer sets it down. As long as the enduring artifice item exists, it continues to occupy one of the artificer’s magical item slots, unless it occupies no magical item slot. An artificer can only have one enduring artifice item in existence at a time. An enduring artifice item cannot be used by a non-artificer to gain its effects. An artificer can add additional magic abilities to his enduring artifice at the normal costs. The magic properties of an enduring artifice item, including any magic abilities added to the item, only function for the artificer who owns it. If an enduring artifice item's owner dies, or the item is replaced, the item reverts to being an ordinary item of the appropriate type. The artificer must have at least 6 artificer points remaining to use this theory. An artificer can only have one enduring artifice item at a time.

Unbreakable Object (Ex)
At 19th level, as long as an artificer has at least 1 artifice point any mundane item or object he holds or touches becomes virtually indestructible for 1 minute per artifice level. This effect immediately ends if the artificer is no longer in contact with the object. The object gains DR/adamantine 10 and hardness 40. If the object already has DR/adamantine and hardness, its DR/adamantine and hardness both increase by 5.

Alternatively, an artificer can spend 1 artifice point to make a gadget or magical item indestructible, or 2 artifice points to make his gearworks machine indestructible for a number of rounds equal to his artificer level. An object, gadget, magical item, or gearworks machine can only be affected by this theory once per day.

Grand Theorem

Battle Armor
The artificer creates a special suit of metal armor that functions as the iron body spell. Wearing the armor is taxing on the artificer’s body. Should he wear the armor beyond the indicated duration, he becomes exhausted on the subsequent round and remains so until he leaves the armor. Once the armor is removed, he instead becomes fatigued for 2d6 rounds.

Disintegration Gun
The artificer creates a special ray gun that can be fired once per day. This device generally resembles a one-handed firearm, but instead of firing bullets, it discharges a high intensity beam of light that functions as the disintegration spell.

Instant Mansion
The artificer creates a special compact dwelling that once activated, unfolds in whirring of shifting plates and grinding gears until it reaches the size of a mansion. While the active mansion has a physical presence, it otherwise functions as the mage’s magnificent mansion spell, and does not exist on another plane of existence. The artificer can activate this device once per day.

Gearworks Brigade
The artificer creates a number of special modular devices that, once activated, transform into wooden golems that are completely under the artificer’s control. These constructs function as the wooden phalanx spell, except that the golems are gearworks machines crafted from wood instead of metal, but retain all the stats of a wooden golem. The artificer can activate his gearworks brigade once per day.

Remote Blastbomb
The artificer creates a small but powerful explosive device once per day that he can remotely detonate. This device functions as the delayed blast fireball spell, except that the artificer can detonate the bomb at anytime while within 200 feet of the device. The device remains inert until detonated. The artificer otherwise uses his artificer level as his caster level to determine the device’s effect.

Weather Control Device
The artificer creates a device that controls the weather patterns in the surrounding area. He can activate this device once per day, and once activated, it functions as the control weather spell, using the artificer’s level as the caster level.