
Artificer Gadget List

Artificers gain access to the following gadgets.

1st-Level Artificer Gadgets

Acid Glove (Corrosive Touch)
You create a glove which when activated secretes a strong corrosive acid. Your successful melee touch attack deals 1d4 points of acid damage per caster level (maximum 5d4). The glove may be created with multiple charges at the cost of 1 gadget slot per.

Air Tank (Air Bubble)
You create a compressed tank of oxygen with a respirator mask, with this apparatus you may breath where there is normally no air.

Carry-All (Ant Haul)
You create a small machine which has the shape of an ant and contains a serum of strength stimulant. When the ant machine stings it's target the creature triples it's normal carrying capacity.

Door Detector (Detect Secret Doors)
You create a handheld compass which allows you to track down hidden doors.

Elemental Shield (Endure Elements)
You craft a weak force field which allows the user to live in extreme conditions.

Expeditious Boots (Expeditious Retreat)
You create a pair of boots which when activated greatly increase your ground movement speed for a short time.

Firecrackers (Snapdragon Fireworks)
You craft a set of Fireworks which may be lit and launched toward a target to deal a small amount of damage and dazzling creatures in the target area.

Flaming Glove (Burning Hands)
You craft a glove which, when activated, erupts in a cone of fire before you.

Fog Machine (Obscuring Mist)
Your gadget expands into a small box which deploys a large amount of fog around it.

Grease Gun (Grease)
You craft a gun which sprays grease onto the targeted area, this gun can be crafted with many cartridges of grease at the cost of 1 gadget slot per cartridge.

Growth Ray (Enlarge Person)
You craft a ray gun which enlarges the target! *jokes ensue*

Holograph Imager (Silent Image)
Your gadget expands into a disk which projects a 3 dimensional hologram across it's surface.

Hypnotic Device (Hypnotism)
Your gadget expands into a shield which has a rotating pattern on it which attempts to hypnotize enemies who can see it.

Jolt Glove (Shocking Grasp)
You craft a glove which, when activated, releases a deadly jolt of electricity into the touched target.

Jump Boots (Jump)
You craft a pair of boots with large springs loaded in them which, when activated, allow you to leap into the air far better than before.

Parachute (Feather Fall)
You create a pack which contains a large parachute which can be deployed as a free action if needed.

Proximity Sensor (Alarm)
Your gadget sprouts legs and reveals a small lens, it then stores away in a location of your choosing and monitors the area.

Shock Field (Shock Shield)
You create a small field generator which can be worn on your person and activated to provide defensive abilities. This shield can be forced to overload in order to inflict electricity damage around it.

Shrink Ray (Reduce Person)
You craft a ray gun which shrinks the target! *jokes ensue*

Sleeping Gas Capsule (Sleep)
You craft a capsule filled with sleeping gas, when thrown it explodes and creatures must make saves to resist slumber.

Verbal Mimicking Device (Ventriloquism)
You create a machine which you may speak through which makes your voice seem to come from different locations.

Voice Modulator (Vocal Alteration)
You create a machine which you may speak through which makes your voice change.

2nd-Level Artificer Gadgets
agility capsule (cat's grace)
cloaking device (invisibility)
corrosive arrow (acid arrow)
energy gauntlet (elemental touch)
energy shield (resist energy)
fire arrow (flame arrow)
fire-eater capsule (fire breath)
fireworks (pyrotechnics)
flamethrower (scorching ray)
flashlight (continual flame)
greater fog machine (fog cloud)
hover boots (levitate)
improved holographic imager (minor image)
improved taser (daze monster)
laughing gas capsule (hideous laughter)
magnetic lock mechanism (arcane lock)
net launcher (web)
night vision goggles (darkvision)
pain inhibitor (delay pain)
sonic emitter (shatter)
stamina capsule (bear's endurance)
strength capsule (bull's strength)
ultraviolet goggles (see invisibility)
wall climbing gear (spider climb)

3rd-Level Artificer Gadgets
acceleration device (haste)
aqualungs (water breathing)
blastbomb (fireball)
displacer device (displacement)
electromagnetic charge emitter (lightning bolt)
exhaustion emitter (ray of exhaustion)
fury capsule (rage)
greater energy shield (protection from energy)
greater holograph imager (major image)
greater sleeping gas capsule (deep slumber)
jetpack (fly)
mass cloaking device (invisibility sphere)
motor inhibitor (hold person)
protective force field (ablative barrier)
radiant lantern (daylight)
shrapnel grenade (pellet blast)
stink bomb (stinking cloud)

4th-Level Artificer Gadgets
confusion inducer (confusion)
electromagnetci spheres (ball lightning)
energy breath capsule (dragon's breath)
fear ray (fear)
fire wall capsule (wall of fire)
folding house (secure shelter)
greater cloaking device (invisibility (greater))
greater night vision goggles (darkvision (greater))
greater shrapnel grenade (detonate)
ice wall capsule (wall of ice)
improved protective shield (stoneskin)
pain inducer (agonize)
reverse force shield (resilient sphere)
voice modulator (shout)

5th-Level Artificer Gadgets
acid bomb (acid spray)
environment suit (life bubble)
greater jet pack (overland flight)
greater motor inhibitor (hold monster)
ice bomb (cone of cold)
sonic locator (echolocation)
wall force field emitter (wall of force)

6th-Level Artificer Gadgets
greater sensory alarm (guards and wards)
greater voice modulator (shout (greater))
iron wall device (wall of iron)
programmed holograph imager (programmed image)
radiant flash bomb (sunburst)
repulsor gauntlet (repulsion)
stun gun (power word stun)