

* The Titans were created by the Old God Dormu, they are the defenders of Krona.
* The Titans are immortal beings of great strength; they are intelligent creatures but rarely see value in wisdom.
* The Titans are not omnipotent or all powerful, just extremely powerful Magical beasts.
* The Titans created all of the beasts, monstrous humanoids, devils, demons, dragons, giants, etc.

* All Titans need to be Chaotic or Neutral

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Favored Weapon:

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Favored Weapon:

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Domains: EvilWarScalykind
Sub-Domains: FerocityAncestorsRage
Favored Weapon: Greataxe
Requirement: Monstrous Race

Echidna happily accepts her role as the mother of all things monstrous, unlike most of the other deities she prefers to reside in one place and rule her domain remotely through her worshipers. Deep in the crag mountains Echidna has built herself an entire kingdom of monstrous beasts where she rules over them as their Queen. Her duty is to propagate conflict throughout the world, to be truly balanced there may not be peace and she truly enjoys this task. Echidna is a supremely powerful creature but is unique in that she may produce her children, creating new species and powerful servants at will. The rare times she leaves her fortress is to meet with her fellow deities; she despises these trips and is not overly kind to or liked by the other deities.

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Favored Weapon:

Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Domains: WarStrengthGlory
Sub-Domains: DefenseLeadershipRage
Favored Weapon: Earth Breaker

Jikokuten is a fearless warrior who claims domain over all battles, wars, skirmishes and even bar brawls; the adrenaline, the blood lust and  the carnage are what he employs and enjoys. Though his power and image are impressively intimidating he has not seen battle himself since the titans were thrown into their cages. He instead stands still as a monument while he lives vicariously through his followers while they fight. When dealing with the other deities he tends to take the position of kill first, ask questions later; he is most liked and friendly with Metatron and Suzaku. Gaia, Nom and Sarasvati like Jikokuten very little.

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Domains: EvilDarknessDesruction
Sub-Domains: DemonLust, AshDeception
Favored Weapon: Whip
Lilith the seductress, the epitome of evil and the queen of all the underworld. Demons, Daemons, Demodands, Devils and Divs all bow to her might and even the most powerful underworld beings obey her commands. As Echidna, Lilith remains on her unholy throne when she is not forced to meet with her fellow deities; she uses her minions to exact her duties and uses her vast power to twist the souls of the damned into powerful unholy soldiers. At her core she is a succubus, she uses her magical charm to instill an overwhelming lust into unfortunate humans; those who fall under her spell find themselves to be her newest victims. She is of like mind with Echidna, but they are not necessarily friendly; Suzaku is commonly a lover of hers and tends to share in her chaotic mindset.

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Favored Weapon:

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Domains: ChaosDestructionFire
Sub-Domains: CurseArcane, Insanity
Favored Weapon: Flying Talon
Suzaku is the ashen dragon, the flame that consumes all before his domain. He is the chaotic prince of all that burns; he is the revered master of red dragons, fire elementals, efreeti, red draconians, red salamanders and any creatures who follow his insane pyromania. Suzaku resides in the volcanic wastelands of Mordan, here he revels in the primal flames of the earth and raises forth fiery creatures for his own entertainment. Suzaku is considered a loner within the deities, besides his occasional rendezvous with Lilith he prefers to have little interaction with the world. He is generally feared by the deities, and therefore is not very well liked; his raw destructive power is beyond that of any other deity and his apathy is really the only thing protecting the world from his devastation.

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Favored Weapon: