
Witch Spell List

0-Level Witch Spells (Cantrips)
Spell Name
Inscribes a personal rune on an object or creature (visible or invisible).
Cause a stabilized creature to resume dying.
Creates torches or other lights.
A single humanoid creature with 4 HD or less loses its next action.
Detects all spells and magic items within 60 ft.
Detects poison in one creature or small object.
+1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check.
Object shines like a torch.
Makes minor repairs on an object.
Whisper conversation at distance.
Makes food and water inedible.
Read scrolls and spellbooks.
Subject gains +1 on saving throws.
Ignites flammable objects.
Cause a dying creature to stabilize.
Touch attack fatigues target.

1st Level Witch Spells
Spell Name
Creates a small pocket of air around your head or an object.
Transform one mundane alchemical item or firearm into another.
Subject immediately accepts an offered item and uses it.
Gain a bonus to Stealth and make checks without cover or concealmentElf only.
Target takes a -20 penalty on its next attack roll or check.
1d4/level fire damage (max 5d4).
One creature of 5 HD or less flees for 1d4 rounds.
Makes one person your friend.
One touch/level deals 1d6 damage and possibly 1 Str damage.
One subject obeys selected command for 1 round.
Compels opponents to attack you instead of your allies.
You understand all spoken and written languages.
Cures 2d6 damage + 1/level (max +10).
Ruins ammunition loaded in the targeted firearm.
Animates a lantern that follows you.
Turn a corpse into a clean skeleton.
Target becomes temporarily immune to disease.
Target is penalized on attacks and checks but gains bonus against charms and compulsions.
Reveals hidden doors within 60 ft.
Detect and identify diseases.
Deal sonic damage and daze target.
Humanoid creature doubles in size.
Target cannot make loud noises.
Target takes cold damage and is fatigued.
Target cannot speak intelligently.
Target gains +4 on saves against witch hexes.
Fascinates 2d4 HD of creatures.
Masterwork ice dagger deals +1 cold damage.
Gives +10 bonus to identify magic items.
Target rolls twice for checks and attacks and uses worst roll.
Touch a creature with devils blood, giving it fast healing 1.
Touch deals 1d8 damage +1/level (max +5).
Target answers questions or suffers pain.
Removes the broken condition from the targeted object.
Target treats skill of choice as a class skill.
Arrow deals damage as your unarmed strike.
Compels the target to look only at you for the duration of the spell.
Gives subject +4 armor bonus.
Target gains bonus to attack and damage rolls if it and opponent are touching water, or a penalty if they are touching the ground.
Hides presence of a spell from detect magic.
Summons riding horse for 2 hours/level.
Blind an opponent with a ball of sticky mud.
Targeted creature may not positively influence anyone.
Gain a deflection bonus to Armor Class and CMD when not wearing armor or the armor is invisible.
Fog surrounds you.
Locks a weapon in place on the target’s body.
Ray causes 1d6 Str penalty + 1 per 2 levels.
Ray makes subject sickened.
Regain one use of all 0-level and 1st-level spell-like abilities you can use as the result of a racial trait.
Humanoid creature halves in size.
Temporarily mitigates the fragile quality in targeted weapon or armor.
Suppress disease, nausea, and the sickened condition.
Skeletal corpse grows flesh.
Prevent a corpse from becoming an undead.
Create a quasi-real masterwork weapon.
Puts 4 HD of creatures into magical slumber.
Plant a brief thought in the mind of another.
Improved the fly speed and maneuverability of a winged creature.
Summon 1d3 Tiny animals.
Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Gain a bonus to Perception checks to notice someone trying to steal an object from you.
Cause the touched target to ignite in a violent burst of flame.

Move a magic tattoo from one creature to another.
Target gains a +4 bonus on saves against mind-affecting effects that rely on negative emotions.
Target loses the ability to breathe automatically and begins to suffocate when unconscious or asleep.
Grants a +2 bonus, +1 per four caster levels, on attack rolls to confirm a critical hit.
Target takes -4 on initiative and Reflex saves.
Invisible force obeys your commands.
Increase your base speed, jump more easily from one building to another, and move easily through crowds and over difficult surfaces.
Disguise target's voice.
Targeted firearm’s ammunition halves the firearm’s range and imposes a –2 penalty on damage rolls.
Trap the target in a miniature version of the web spell.

Gain a bonus to Knowledge checks about your environment from the land itself. Elf only.
Target appears younger.

2nd Level Witch Spells
Spell Name
Targets can breath water, but lose the ability to breathe air.
You gain a bonus on Diplomacy checks and performance combat checks.
Assume form of a Small or Medium humanoid.
Drow target temporarily transforms into a surface elf and is protected as by undetectable alignment.
Learns whether an action will be good or bad.
Target gains bonus to and training in one skill in which you are trained. The target may choose to end the spell to roll one skill check twice and take the better result.
Grants a creature proficiency in a single weapon for short period of time.
Secure an object to the ground or create difficult terrain that slows and damages most creatures.
Makes subject blinded or deafened.
The blood shed by those adjacent to the target ignites and damages those around them.
Learn a spell from the target's blood.
Targets take fire damage; orcs get +2 Strength.
Inflict 1d6 fire damage to creature by looking at it.
Transform a willing animal or magical beast and its gear into a small statuette, from which form it can be restored on command.
Question birds in your vicinity and receive a consensus answer after 10 minutes.
Cures 4d6 damage + 1/level (max +15).
Living creature of 6 HD or less loses its next action.
As death knell, but channel the life energy of the dying creature to summon a fire elemental instead of gaining benefits for yourself.
Kills dying creature; you gain 1d8 temporary hp, +2 to Str, and +1 caster level.
Ignore pain for 1 hour/level.
Stops poison from harming target for 1 hour/level.
Ammunition in the targeted firearm is prone to misfire.
Allows “listening” to surface thoughts.
Target becomes disfigured.

Use an enemy as a point of origin for a cone, cylinder, line, or sphere spell.
 Roll d20; before end of spell, use roll to replace another d20 roll before the die is rolled.
Cut out and consume the heart of a helpless enemy to gain the benefits of death knell
Captivates all within 100 ft. + 10 ft./level.
Gain 1d10 temporary hp + 1/level (max +10).
A target starves with an insatiable hunger.
Gives subject SR 12 + your level vs. healing effects.
Notice traps as a rogue does.
Fog obscures vision.
The area is covered in a chilling frost.
Subject the target to unbearable heat, damaging and fatiguing them.
Preserves one corpse.
You look like a ghost of yourself.
You take no falling damage and move 60 ft./round while falling.
Blinds creatures, outlines invisible creatures.
Creatures are shaken and take Wis damage.
Gain +10 on Bluff to send secret messages.
Paralyzes one humanoid for 1 round/level.
Touch attack, 2d8 damage + 1/level (max +10).
Subject moves up and down at your direction.
Create a magical noose around target's head, possibly paralyzing them.
Stitch one creature's lips shut.
Target takes penalties to mental actions.
As mask dweomer, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Make a normal item into a masterwork one.
Allow yourself or a gnome you touch to send a short message to a dreaming recipient.
Opponents cannot attack a pathetic creature.
As mount, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
+5 Perception and Sense Motive 10 min./level.
Target takes a -4 penalty against poison.
Subject is sickened and has –4 Dex.
Shadow protects the target from light.
Target gains penalties on ability checks, skill checks, and concentration checks until it spends an entire round doing nothing.
Ammunition in the targeted firearm generates excessive recoil.
As reinforce armaments, but you may divide the spell’s duration among objects touched.
Grants a weapon the returning special weapon quality.
Frightens creatures of less than 6 HD.
Reveals invisible creatures or objects.
Animate the head of a recently dead creature to serve as a sentry.
A target becomes shaken and can not use hero points for 10 minutes per level.
Tether the target to its current square with its own shadow, making it difficult for the target to move far.
Share one memory with the target.
Sicken creatures you hit with melee attacks.
Use a scarf as a shield or whip.
Animate and possess your own skin as if it were a separate creature.
Reduces effects of multiple conditions on target.
Creates disembodied glowing hand to deliver touch attacks.
The target becomes flexible enough to squeeze through small spaces without penalty.
Ammunition in the targeted firearm is less likely to misfire.
Monitors condition, position of allies.
Pull the breath from a creature’s lungs, dealing damage and leaving it unable to speak, use breath weapons, or cast spells with verbal components.
Target gains the croaking spellblight.
Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Summons swarm of batsrats, or spiders.
Triggered rune creates mirror images.
Cause a potion to turn into a spell tattoo when it is drunk.
Ammunition in the targeted firearm deafens opponents.
Subject takes 1d6 penalty to IntWis, and Cha.
Target is compelled to kiss or caress another.
Target is afflicted with severe cold.
Produces a spider swarm that fights for you.
Fills 20-ft.-radius spread with sticky spiderwebs that can grapple foes and impair movement.
Create a comfortable shelter made of webbing.
Subjects within range cannot lie.

3rd Level Witch Spells
Spell Name
Deal nonlethal damage to the target every time it attempts to attack or harm you.
Animal becomes bipedal.
Magical auras become visible to you.
Target in heavy metal armor becomes entangled or staggered if Reflex save is failed. A target in light or medium metal armor becomes entangled on failed Reflex save.
Hamper vision and movement.
–6 to an ability score; –4 on attack rolls, saves, and checks; or 50% chance of losing each action.
Target can detect and locate injured creatures by smell.
Skull acts as magic mouth, listeners are shaken.
An aura of nothingness damages and suffocates creatures adjacent to you.
Hear or see at a distance for 1 min./level.
Extra eyes give all-around vision.
Causes a creature to become dehydrated.
Turn potion to temporary pool of necromatic energy.
Puts 10 HD of creatures to sleep.
As delay poison, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Cancels one magical spell or effect.
Target gains the eldritch ague spellblight.
Acid boils burst when you are attacked.
Target takes Dex and Con damage.
Create a monstrously distorted illusion of yourself which you control and through which you can see, hear, taste, and smell.
Allow an aquatic target to grow legs and feet and walk on land.
Ammunition in the targeted firearm creates a tremendous flash capable of blinding the weapon’s bearer and those around him.
Subject flies at speed of 60 ft.
Summon bolts of negative energy which harm living creatures, heal undead, and have a chance of blinding their targets.
Inscription harms those who pass it.
Know approximate distance from where you cast this spell.
You siphon half of all magical healing that the targeted creature receives.
Gives +2 bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks.
Levitates the targeted creature up off the ground.
Screaming pain limits the target's actions.
Cause icy spears to strike foes for 2d6 piercing and 2d6 cold damage; can knock foes down.
Increase the difficulty of finding, disarming, or avoiding a trap.
Add to your ki pool when you critically hit.
Electricity deals 1d6/level damage.
Nauseates and/or sickens weak creatures.
Senses direction toward object (specific or type).
You roll damage twice when you roll damage for a critical hit and take the best damage.
Touch to kill an unconscious creature and gain a number of temporary hero points depending on how powerful it was.
As magic jar, but limited to line of sight.
You greatly speed up the decomposition process of a nearby corpse.
Gives subject –10 on Survival checks.
Fascinate or lure creatures toward you with a song.
Inf licts 1d6 nonlethal damage 1 round/level.
Gain a bonus to Dexterity and Intelligence and the benefits of one additional feat.

One creature rolls 2d20 whenever it needs to roll a d20, and must take the lower result.
Transforms a single animal or magical beast into a younger and cuter version of itself for a short period of time.
Gives +2 to Str and Con, +1 on Will saves, –2 to AC.
Animate rubble or small stones into a swarm under your control.
Summon a swarm of poisonous frogs.
Ray makes subject exhausted.
Target is compelled to stay near another.
Cures normal or magical blindness or deafness.
Frees object or person from curse.
Cures all diseases affecting subject.
As returning weapon, but you may divide the duration among weapons touched.
Target temporarily ages.
Foes provoke attacks of opportunity.
Detects thinking creatures’ thoughts.
Creates text symbol that immobilizes reader.
Perceive the world around your familiar.
Hampers vision and movement.
Corpse answers one question/two levels.
Spit blinding black adder venom.
Nauseating vapors, 1 round/level.
Your hair animates and grapples.
Compels a subject to follow stated course of action.
Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Speak and understand any language.
Floating knife attacks with you.
Target is compelled to avoid another creature.
A target suffers penalties to checks depending on how many hero points it has, and takes damage if it uses them.
Touch deals 1d6 damage per two levels; caster gains damage as temporary hp.
Take the form and some of the powers of a Small or Medium vermin.
Illusory hellscape makes creatures shaken.
Protect the target with one of four effects which heal, increase speed, bolster against disease and poison, or give more stable footing. Elf only.
Subject treads on water as if solid.
Create a more potent unholy water.
See through the target's eyes and ears.

4th Level Witch Spells
Spell Name
You become immune to diseases and toxins, absorb one, and then spread it to others.
Ignore penalties from middle age.
Invisible floating eye moves 30 ft./round.
Gain combat bonuses in exchange for Intelligence damage and a commitment to the battle.
Curse a creature so that it is easier for others to attack it and it takes Constitution damage every day until removed.
Tentacles grapple all creatures within a 20-ft. spread.

Creates unstable wall for cover that eventually explodes for 2d6 slashing damage plus 1d6 sonic/3 levels.
Wasp swarm defends or carries you.
Makes monster believe it is your ally.
Subjects behave oddly for 1 round/level.
Subjects take –2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks.
Cures 6d6 damage + 1/level (max +20).
Target gains the negated spellblight.
As daze, but affecting multiple creatures.
Grants bonuses against death spells and negative energy.
Inf licts an ill fate on a creature, halving its damage when it attacks or casts a spell
Alerts you to magical eavesdropping.
Teleports you a short distance.
Reveals deliberate falsehoods.
Provides useful advice for specific proposed actions.
Subject gains 1d4 negative levels.
Gain 2d10 temporary hp + 1/level.
Possess your familiar.
Subjects within cone flee for 1 round/level.
Worms deal hp and Dex damage.
Send the target into a deep sleep and erase the memories of the events immediately before.
Commands subject of 7 HD or less.

Use destroyed undead to smash foes for 1d6 damage per 3 levels.
Transform your tongue into a whip of energy that deals acid, electricity, or fire damage.
Hail deals 5d6 damage in cylinder 40 ft. across.
Touch a creature with devils blood, giving it fast healing 4.
Touch attack, 3d8 damage + 1/level (max +15).
Indicates direction to familiar creature.
Creates one cloth or wood object.
Subject is enraged and confused.
Imbues ammunition with accuracy against a specific creature type.
Immunizes subject against poison, detoxifies venom in or on subject.
Fearsome illusion kills subject or deals 3d6 damage.
Touch deals 1d3 Con damage 1/round for 6 rounds.
Transfer a small amount of the damage you take to a reservoir of energy you can draw on for insight bonuses.
Target can breathe water and swim.
Spies on subject from a distance.
Creates sturdy cottage.
Teleport from one shadow to another.
Turn corpses into skeletons that act as a ships crew and obey your commands.
Causes creature to move while asleep.
Blocks vision and slows movement.
Inflict touch spell upon creature that attacks you.
Summons a single accuser devil from Hell to do your bidding.
Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Triggered rune heals living creatures.
Triggered symbol reveals illusions.
Triggered rune slows creatures.
Appear older or younger.
As tongues, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Touch infests a target with green slime.
As vermin shape, but Tiny or Large.
Hot rocks deal 5d6 damage.
Outlines subject and produces light as a sunrod.
Create a moving cloud of webbing that hinders travel and traps creatures.

5th Level Witch Spells
Spell Name
Turns subject into harmless animal.
Dispels touched illusion or a creature's change in form.
Withers one plant or deals 1d6/level damage to plant creature.
Frees subjects from enchantments, transmutations, and curses.
Kills 3 HD or less; 4–6 HD save or die, 6+ HD take Con damage.
Lets you ask question of extraplanar entity.
Infect a subject with a magical disease.
Cures 8d6 damage + 1/level (max +25).
Target is sickened while viewing trigger.
As bestow curse, but harder to remove.
Like dimension door, but leave in an explosion of fire.
Controls humanoid telepathically.
Subject's Int and Cha drop to 1.

1d4+1 ghouls and 1 ghast fight for you and explode when killed to deal damage.
Transform a willing half-orc into a full-blooded orc.
As hold person, but any creature.
You create a dimensional link with a targeted creature, and switch spots with it.
Touch attack, 4d8 damage + 1/level (max +20).
Enables possession of another creature.
As minor creation, plus stone and metal.
Designates action that triggers curse on subject.
Subjects in fog get –10 to Wis and Will checks.
Curse a creature with permanent seasickness.
You fly at a speed of 40 ft. and can hustle over long distances.
As pain strike, but affects multiple creatures.
Target's attacks carry filth fever.
Possess and animate one object.
1d4 + 1/level floating eyes scout for you.
Brings dead subject back in a random body.
Dead creature cannot be revived.
Hides expensive chest on Ethereal Plane; you retrieve it at will.

Transfers a magical effect from touched creature to yourself.
Target is distracted by its sense of self.
Target quickly suffocates to death.
Summon host devils.
Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.
The target takes damage whenever its summoned creature does.
Triggered rune wracks creatures with pain.
Triggered rune activates scrying sensor.
Triggered rune puts nearby creatures into catatonic slumber.
As symbol of death, but fills a 5-foot square.
Link lets allies communicate.
Instantly transports you as far as 100 miles per level.
Communicate with any creature which is not mindless.
Create 1 unseen crewmember per caster level to attend to ships riggings and other affairs.
Discourage creatures from investigating an area by making it look useless.
Several targets become fatigued.
Create invisible blades that harm the target more the faster it moves.
Four mithral daggers speed around you, attacking nearby creatures and protecting your spellcasting from attacks of opportunity.

6th Level Witch Spells
Spell Name
Ignore penalties from old age.
Reveals magical aspects of subject.
Objects attack your foes.
Secure multiple objects to the ground or create difficult terrain that slows and damages most creatures.
Causes living creatures within 5 ft. to fall asleep.
1d6/level cold damage.
Cures 2d6 damage + 1/level, affects 1 subject/level.
As dispel magic, but with multiple targets.
You become an incorporeal creature of dust for a short period of time.

Use multiple enemies as points of origin for cone, cylinder, line, or sphere spells.
Infect a subject with a highly contagious disease.
Target becomes panicked, sickened, and comatose.
As fester, but affecting multiple targets.
Shows most direct way to a location.
Turns subject creature into statue.
As lesser geas, but affects any creature.
Array of magic effects protect area.
Gives +4 bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks; immunity to fear; temporary hp.
Target is frozen, then teleported.

 Deals 1d8 damage + 1/level, affects 1 subject/level.
Lets you learn tales about a person, place, or thing.
As named bullet, but deals 2 points of damage for every caster level.
Cloud infects creatures like contagion.
Restores life to subject who died as long as one day/level ago.
Touch attack deals 12d6 + 1 per level.
Restores petrified creature.
As suggestion, affects 1 subject/level.
Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Turns your body into a swarm of vermin.
Triggered rune panics nearby creatures.
Triggered rune charms creatures.
Create triggered wall of force.
You gain combat bonuses.
Lets you see all things as they really are.
Plant subconscious directive in target creature.
You create a pale silver barrier that repels undead.
Subject shares wounds you receive.
Target is compelled to destroy one enemy.

7th Level Witch Spells
Spell Name
Ignore penalties from venerable age.
As arcane sight, but also reveals magic effects on creatures and objects.
Afflict a target with a curse which functions as mark of justice and nature’s exile and leaves a black marking on the skin.
1d6/level damage and 1 secondary bolt/level.
Changes weather in local area.
Create your own demiplane.
Cures 4d6 damage + 1/level, affects 1 subject/level.
Deals 10 points/level damage to target.
Cures 10 points/level damage, all diseases and mental conditions.
As hold person, but all within 30 ft.
You may target one creature for every four of your caster levels.
Your body becomes living ice.
Deals 2d8 damage + 1/level, affects 1 subject/level.
Subject suffers continuous confusion.
Prepared object appears in your hand.
Dispel light and revert lycanthropes.
You greatly speed up the decomposition process of a nearby corpse on the scale of years.
Creates an invisible passage through a barrier.
As many as eight subjects travel to another plane.
Blinds creature with 200 hp or less.
Subject's severed limbs grow back, cures 4d8 damage +1/level (max +35).
Winds block vision and deal 3d6 damage per round.
As scrying, but faster and longer.
Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Triggered rune stuns creatures.
Triggered rune weakens creatures.
As teleport, but affects a touched object.
As teleport, but no range limit and no off-target arrival.
Bring a creature to life for 24 hours.
As legend lore, but quicker.
You can spend a move action to teleport 30 feet or to stand while prone without provoking attacks of opportunity.
Pleasure stuns and staggers creatures.
Several targets become exhausted.

8th Level Witch Spells
Spell Name
Object or location affected by spell repels certain creatures.
As charm monster, but all within 30 ft.
Duplicate awakens when original dies.
As lesser create demiplane, but larger and with planar traits.
Cures 6d6 damage + 1/level, affects 1 subject/level.
As sending, plus you can send suggestion.
Kills subject and destroys remains.
Reveals exact location of creature or object.
You take on a terrifying, Large-sized form of yourself and emit an aura that causes creatures to become shaken or frightened.
Deals 1d6/level damage within 30 ft.
Deals 3d8 damage + 1/level, affects 1 subject/level.
Forces subject to dance.
Traps subject in extradimensional maze.
Subject is protected from mental/emotional magic and scrying.
You gain +1/level insight bonus on single attack roll, check, or save.
The target can choose nine times from a variety of abilities which help get out of trouble or relive harmful effects or conditions.
Stuns creature with 150 hp or less.
Target is permanently shaken and sickened, and may gain a spellblight.
As prying eyes, but eyes have true seeing.
Fully restore dead subject.
1d8 damage/level (max 20d8) to targets.
Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Triggered rune kills nearby creatures.
Triggered rune renders nearby creatures insane.
Object or location attracts certain creatures.
Imprisons subject within gem.

9th Level Witch Spells
Spell Name
Projects you and others onto Astral Plane.
As create demiplane, but larger and with more planar traits.
Cures 8d6 damage + 1/level for many creatures.
Plants die, living creatures catch diseases, or dead creatures rise as zombies.
As dominate person, but any creature.
Summons multiple elementals.
“Sixth sense” warns of impending danger.
Grants a number of creatures bonuses on attacks and damage, temporary hit points, and immunity to fear and charm effects.
As hold monster, but all within 30 ft.
Deals 4d8 damage + 1/level, affects 1 subject/level.
As mind blank, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Cold darkness paralyzes and deals damage.
Kills one creature with 100 hp or less.
Alters item to transport its possessor to your abode.
Traps newly dead soul to prevent resurrection.
Storm rains acid, lightning, and hail.
One creature/level suffocates to death.
Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Triggered rune makes creatures attack.
Triggered rune gives penalties.
Teleports creatures inside circle.
Deals 10 damage/level to 1 creature/level.