
Realm of Frostfell

Estimated Sessions: 4-6

Type of Campaign: Dungeon Crawl

Starting Level: 14 (Pre-Made Characters can be Provided if Desired, given race/class/back story)

Starting Wealth: 160,000 gold (No single item may cost more than 30,000 gold)

Ending Level: 18-20

Hints: This campaign's signature enemy will be undead, but these soldiers are merely fodder for the masters who dwell in the fortress, plan your characters carefully because a host of evil creatures await. Traps will be plentiful, both mechanical and magical, so watch your step! There will be vaults locked against intruders by intricate mechanisms (puzzle time!), the secrets in these rooms will greatly increase your likelihood to survive. There is a powerful magical ward outside of the castle, no one is quite sure what it's function is but it will certainly have a nefarious purpose for any intruders.

Deep in the Frozen North, carved into the Mountains of Black Ice themselves, stands the Castle Foust. For hundreds of years this fortress stood unbeaten and held strong against any army which attempted to break it's walls. The last defense of the north, the home of the kingdom's most valuable treasures and the resting place of it's kings. The border of this castle from it's south-eastern to north-western points are protected by an impossibly deep chasm which is said to lead to hell itself. The remainder of it's perimeter is carved into the mountain, the mountain which is covered in black ice and provides terrain that no man or beast could traverse without fatal consequences. This leaves only the stone bridge, a narrow passageway which will lead to the death of any who would be so foolish to lay siege to the castle. But not all threats are bound by the land...

The sun broke out over the mountains of ice, the warmth and illumination were a welcome addition for the Caravan as they traversed the dangerous paths leading to castle Foust. The guards eased their watch and the journey took a turn for the better, the supplies for the garrison looked to have an early arrival, and the travelers were looking forward to the extra rest before their return journey. As they approached the great keep a dreadful realization washed over the caravan; the castle was in ruins. An unnatural fear grew in the civilians as they looked upon the once great keep, a ring of necromantic energy encompassed it's walls and left the onlookers petrified. Shouts of fear and speculation erupted in the group as more people came into view of the castle, the guard began to organize as their captain spouted orders trying to maintain control, but unknown to them the shadow of the mountain sprang to life as dozens of dark winged creatures took flight. The few survivors managed to make it to the nearest village, exhausted and near death, telling a tale of terror...the only tale anyone would know about the fall of Foust...

Years later the news of Foust had reached the ears of most, the terrible tale of shadow and death which befell the great northern kingdom. Adventurers heard this news as a calling; a calling to fortune, glory, retribution, fame and excitement. Some find this calling from their Deity, whispered to them as a quest of utmost importance. Some are interested in claiming the legendary items which rest in the halls. Some, simply seek the challenge and excitement of the adventure. Each with their own reasons, they gather in the small hamlet of Torbur ready to claim their place in history...but none know what foes they will face.