
Star Nova

Level | Druid 3
School | Conjuration
Casting Time | 1 round
Components | V, S, DF
Range | medium (100 ft. + 10 ft. per level)
Duration | instantaneous
Saving Throw | Reflex for Half Fire Damage, see text
Spell Resistance | yes

You call down a beam of moonlight from the sky and summon forth a red hot meteorite which follows the beam of light until it strikes the targeted area. This spell cannot be used underground; if it is used indoors it may penetrate 1 floor of a building per 4 caster levels before stopping. Any creatures inside of a 20 ft radius of the moonlight beam are inflicted with 1d6 damage per caster level (max 10d6), half of this damage is force and half of this damage is fire. Creatures may attempt to make a reflex save to take half of the fire damage.