
Combat Feats

Below are all available feats for use in the Krona campaigns.

Pathfinder Combat Feats

Any content which is not from CRB, APG, UM, UC will require DM Approval.

*Make sure to reference the Feat Changelog for modifications to existing feats*

Krona Specific Combat Feats

Wise Strike - Add half your wisdom modifier to bonus damage.

Cunning Strike - Add half your intelligence modifier to bonus damage.

Fortify - Allows a limited automatic 15 on active defense rolls.

Third Party Combat Feats

Acrobatic Dodge (Combat)
Your nimble moves often allow you to flip away from a foe’s attack.

Prerequisite: Dex 15, Acrobatic.

Benefit: As an immediate action when you would normally be hit with a melee or ranged attack roll, you may make an Acrobatics check to avoid being hit. The DC for this check is equal to the attack roll that hit you. You gain a free 5‑foot step as part of this Acrobatics check, and must take it. (If you cannot take your 5‑foot step, you cannot use this feat. The movement doesn’t count against any other movement you are taking, and does not provoke an attack of opportunity.) You may only use this feat when you have an armor check penalty of 0, are carrying no more than a light load, and are not wielding a two‑handed weapon or shield. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Dexterity bonus.

Agile Defense (Combat)
Prerequisite: Dodge

Benefit: You gain a dodge bonus to AC, based on your Base Attack Bonus.
Base Attack Bonus
AC Bonus
+0 to +3
+4 to +7
+8 to +11
+12 to +15
+16 to +19
+20 or higher

Special: This ability is reduced by worn armor. Subtract 1 point of dodge bonus for light armor, 2 for medium armor, and 3 for heavy armor (to a minimum of +0 bonus).

Avoid the Arcane (Combat)
Your fast reaction time often allows you to duck magic effects.

Prerequisite: Dex 13, Lightning Reflexes, no caster level.

Benefit: Once per round, when targeted by a spell or effect that allows a Fortitude save or a Will save, you can instead make a Reflex saving throw. You may use the ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Dexterity bonus.

Special: If you have this feat and gain a caster level, you may immediately decide to permanently forgo any spellcasting ability and retain this feat. If you do not make this decision this feat is lost, and cannot be replaced.

Battlefield Intuition (Combat)
Your keen wit improves your reaction time.

Benefit: You add your Wisdom modifier to initiative checks. This is in addition to other modifiers to initiativechecks, like the bonus provided by a high Dexterity score or the Improved Initiative feat.

Corkscrew Charge (Combat)
You charge along a winding path.

Prerequisite: Dex 15.

Benefit: When charging, you may end your charge in any space adjacent to the closest space from which you can attack. All other restrictions on movement during a charge still apply.
Normal: When charging, you must end your move in the closest available space from which you can attack.

Damage Accumulation (Combat)
By targeting carefully, you are able to better bypass the natural defenses of your opponents.

Prerequisite: Dex 12, base attack bonus +11.

Benefit: When making a full attack against a single target, you can sacrifice an attack action so that the target’sdamage reduction applies to the total damage you deal that round.

Normal: Damage reduction applies to all attacks individually.

Exotic Armor Proficiency (Partial) [Combat, General]
Prerequisite: Armor Proficiency (light)

Benefit: You are proficient in wearing armor that does not cover all vulnerable portions of the body. When you wear partial armor, the armor bonus to AC is increased by 1. You lose this bonus if you are helpless or paralyzed.

Exotic Shield Proficiency (Combat)
You are trained in how to properly use a specific type of unusual shield.

Prerequisite: Proficiency with shields

Benefit: Select one exotic shield. You are proficient with that shield.

Normal: When you are using a shield with which you are not proficient, you are subject to the shield’s armor check penalty on attack rolls and on all skill checks that involve moving. Additionally, some exotic shields have special abilities that can only be used by proficient users, and special penalties for nonproficient users.

Falter (Combat)
Though you look vulnerable, that wobble is part of your cunning plan.

Prerequisite: Catch Off-Guard

Benefit: As a standard action, you may make a Bluff check to appear to have made a misstep and be off-balance. This is opposed by the Sense Motive check of any opponent observing you. If you win this check, the opponent believes you have lost your Dexterity bonus to your AC. Not only is this not the case, any foe fooled by this Bluff that attacks you in the next round and misses also provokes an attack of opportunity from you.

Fast Hands (Combat)
You react to threats more creatively than most.

Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +9, Combat Reflexes.

Benefit: When making an attack of opportunity, you may perform a combat maneuver that requires an attack action.

Normal: When making attacks of opportunity, you may only make a standard attack.

Flash Attack (Combat)
You use the small size and weight of two light weapons to attack with unmatched speed.

Prerequisite: Double Slice, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (any light weapon).

Benefit: When wielding two light weapons, you may attack once with each as a standard action, an attack of opportunity, as part of a charge, or as part of a Spring Attack. An unarmed strike counts as a light weapon.

Normal: You may only make a single attack of any type as a standard action.

Fearsome Blow (Combat, Critical)
Your critical hits are frightening.

Prerequisite: Str 13 and Intimidating Prowess; or Cha 13 and Persuasive

Benefit: When you score a critical hit with a melee attack, you can make an Intimidate check to demoralize the same target as an immediate action.

Special: You can apply the effects of only one critical feat to a given critical hit unless you possess Critical Mastery.

Fire in the Hole (Combat)
You can lob splash weapons around covered positions.

Prerequisite: BAB +1.

Benefit: When using a ranged splash attack, your target does not receive AC bonuses for cover, sitting, kneeling, or being prone.

Improved Martial Strike (Combat)
Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike, Martial Strike, Wis 15, Dex 15

Benefit: Your unarmed strike damage matches that of a monk of the level of your character level.

Martial Strike (Combat)
Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike, Wis 13, Dex 13, BAB +4.

Benefit: Your unarmed strike damage equals that of a monk of the level of your character level -3.

Mighty Draw (Combat)
Prerequisite: Proficiency with the shortbow and longbow

Benefit: When using a composite bow, your Strength is treated as two points higher. For instance, if your Str is 15 with a bonus of +2, with this feat, you can wield a bow up to +3 Str bonus without penalty and gain up to +3 damage from Str.

Mind Over Magic (Combat)
You can overcome magic effects through pure force of will.

Prerequisite: Wis 13, Iron Will, no caster level.

Benefit: Once per round, when targeted by a spell or effect that allows a Reflex save or a Fortitude save, you can instead make a Will saving throw. You may use the ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom bonus.

Special: If you have this feat and gain a caster level, you may immediately decide to permanently forgo any spellcasting ability and retain this feat. If you do not make this decision this feat is lost, and cannot be replaced.

Practiced Swordsman (Combat)
You know several tricks using a sword.

Prerequisite: Proficient with a sword, Combat Expertise.

Benefit: When you feint in combat, using a sword you are proficient with, you gain +1 to the Bluff check and the DC to feint against you is increased by +1. Additionally, when using a sword you are proficient with, you gain +1 toCMB when attempting a disarm attempt and a +1 to CMD when defending against a disarm attempt. These bonuses stack with those provided by Improved Disarm.

Presence of Mind (Combat)
The depths of your knowledge improve your reaction time.

Benefit: You add your Intelligence modifier to initiative checks. This is in addition to other modifiers to initiative checks, like the bonus provided by a high Dexterity or the Improved Initiative feat.

Provoke (Combat)
You are adept at angering others and provoking them to attack you.

Benefit: You can make an Intimidate check as a standard action to provoke an opponent into violence against you. A successful check worsens your targets attitude by one step if they are not already hostile. If they are already hostile, it provokes them to attack you, violently if possible. This effect is not strictly compulsory, and the target does not attack heedless of all danger but takes all reasonable efforts to direct attacks at you.

This effect lasts until the end of combat or until the target is killed. Until the effect ends, you cannot use Provoke on another opponent in combat.

Special: You suffer a −5 penalty to your Intimidate check if your target is currently threatened by an opponent but not by you, or if your target has little or no means of hurting you. Instead of attacking personally, a target can order any loyal retainers or allies to attack on its behalf. Provoke does not work on enemies immune to mind-affecting effects.

Ranged Flank (Combat)
Even at a distance, you can take advantage of a distracted opponent.

Prerequisite: Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus +10.

Benefit: When attacking with ranged or thrown weapons from a distance of up to 30 feet, if the nearest adjacent space to your target is unoccupied and the opposite space is occupied by a threatening ally, you are considered flanking. Both you and your ally gain all the benefits of flanking, including +2 flanking bonus on attacks, rogues can sneak attack, etc.

Normal: Only characters in melee are considered flanking.

Rank Fighting (Combat)
You are trained to strike past allies using reach weapons.

Prerequisite: Base Attack Bonus +1

Benefit: You can ignore the cover provided by an ally between you and your opponent when attacking with reach.

Normal: An ally in the way of a reach weapon attack provides cover, giving a +4 bonus to the target's AC.

Reflexive Brace (Combat)
You can brace against a charge as an immediate action.

Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes, Base Attack Bonus +1

Benefit: When you are charged while holding a weapon with the brace feature, you may brace your weapon as an immediate action and make an attack of opportunity before the charge attack is made.

Shattering Critical (Combat, Critical)
Your attack lands and causes your foe’s armor to shatter or weakens its natural defenses.

Prerequisite: Critical Focus, BAB +9

Benefit: When you score a critical hit, you also remove some of the target’s armor bonus, natural armor bonus, orshield bonus to AC. The amount of AC bonus lost is equal to the critical multiplier of the attack with which you score the critical hit. The AC loss remains until the target is healed of all damage (in the case of natural armor) or until it can remove and adjust its armor (in the case of armor or a shield). A target with no armor, natural armor, orshield bonus to AC is unaffected by this feat.

Special: You can apply the effects of only one critical feat to a given critical hit unless you possess Critical Mastery.

Shield Specialization (Combat)
You are expert in the use of shields to defend yourself.

Prerequisite: Shield Focus, Shield Proficiency.

Benefit: Whenever you fight defensively or take the full defense action and you are using a shield, you double the normal bonus to AC granted by the maneuver. Additionally, you may take the Deflect Arrows feat even if you do not meet its normal prerequisites. However, rather than having one hand free to use the Deflect Arrows feat, you must have a shield.

Shoulder to Shoulder (Combat)
Benefit: On your turn, designate one adjacent ally whose square you threaten. As long as you are adjacent to that ally, you threaten squares adjacent to that ally.

Skilled Swordsman (Combat)
You have trained extensively with the sword, practicing multiple techniques, allowing you to better handle difficult combat situations.

Prerequisite: Proficient with a sword, Combat Expertise, Practiced Swordsman, BAB +8

Benefit: Any attack bonuses your opponents receive from being on higher ground or flanking you is reduced by -1. Any attack bonuses you receive from being on higher ground, or flanking your opponent, is increased by +1.

Tougher Than Thaumaturgy (Combat)
You are tough enough to shrug off magic effects.

Prerequisite: Con 13, Great Fortitude, no caster level.

Benefit: Once per round, when targeted by a spell or effect that allows a Reflex save or a Will save, you can instead make a Fortitude saving throw. You may use the ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + yourConstitution bonus.

Special: If you have this feat and gain a caster level, you may immediately decide to permanently forgo any spellcasting ability and retain this feat. If you do not make this decision this feat is lost, and cannot be replaced.