
Withering Vine

Level | Chloromancer 2
School | Transmutation
Casting Time | 1 standard action
Components | V, S
Range | long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Duration | 2d4 rounds
Saving Throw | reflex negates; see text
Spell Resistance | no

An amount of red vines equal to 1 per 3 caster levels (max 4) burst from the ground below the target and attempt to tightly wrap around its body; these vines do not hinder the targets movement, the target may make a reflex save to avoid but must move to an open space within 5 feet to do so. These magical vines remain on the target until 2d4 rounds have passed; after the duration has expired, these vines wither and fall to the ground. While the spell is active, each vine deals 1d6 negative energy damage per round and releases the absorbed energy into the air as a fine red mist. Any creatures within a 5 ft. radius of the target gain +1 to any physical ability score per round they are in the effect (maximum +4); this ability score increase lasts for 1 minute/caster level and can only increase one ability score. If this spell is cast on the same target again, before the previous vines have worn off, then the spell fails and the caster loses that spell slot for the day.