

Bloom I
Level | Chloromancer 1
School | Conjuration (healing)
Casting Time | 1 standard action
Components | V, S
Range | medium (100 ft. + 10 ft. per level)
Duration | instantaneous
Saving Throw | none
Spell Resistance | no

You channel the powers of nature from the earth or sky around the target to mend any injuries they have sustained. A slight green mist surrounds the spots of injury to seal up any wounds and hasten recovery. Heals 2d6 + 1/level (Max +10) of damage and stops any bleed effects.

           Bloom II
            Level | Chloromancer 2
School | Conjuration (healing)
Casting Time | 1 standard action
Components | V, S
Range | medium (100 ft. + 10 ft. per level)
Duration | instantaneous
Saving Throw | none
Spell Resistance | no

You channel the powers of nature from the earth or sky around the target to mend any injuries they have sustained. A slight green mist surrounds the spots of injury to seal up any wounds and hasten recovery. Heals 4d6 + 1/level (Max +15) of damage and stops any bleed effects.

Bloom III
Level | Chloromancer 3
School | Conjuration (healing)
Casting Time | 1 standard action
Components | V, S
Range | medium (100 ft. + 10 ft. per level)
Duration | instantaneous
Saving Throw | none
Spell Resistance | no

You channel the powers of nature from the earth or sky around the target to mend any injuries they have sustained. A slight green mist surrounds the spots of injury to seal up any wounds and hasten recovery. Heals 6d6 + 1/level (Max +20) of damage and stops any bleed effects.

Bloom IV
Level | Chloromancer 4
School | Conjuration (healing)
Casting Time | 1 standard action
Components | V, S
Range | medium (100 ft. + 10 ft. per level)
Duration | instantaneous
Saving Throw | none
Spell Resistance | no

You channel the powers of nature from the earth or sky around the target to mend any injuries they have sustained. A slight green mist surrounds the spots of injury to seal up any wounds and hasten recovery. Heals 8d6 + 1/level (Max +25) of damage and stops any bleed effects.